  • 學位論文


Strategy Consideration of Mergers and Acquisitions in Patent Issue on Hi-Tech Industry---A view from U.S law

指導教授 : 馮震宇


面對產品生命週期短、產業環境變化快的經營特性,高科技公司必須取得專利權的保護,透過專利法所附與之排他權、佔有市場一席之地,而與其他廠商協商談判、交互授權、從而解決企業之間的專利糾紛,方能持續創新和永續經營。專利權之取得在高科技公司的併購活動中,也已成為不可或缺的要角;高科技公司進行併購時,除了基於企業一般併購的動機外,更應重視專利權取得的特殊策略考量。 高科技公司為取得目標公司之專利權,可採取的併購模式變化多端,端視其從事併購的商業目的和特定需求,來決定採取何種併購專利之特殊策略考量。而高科技公司所採取不同併購的模式與流程,亦與其所產生不同之法律問題有關,將會影響高科技公司能否有效達成併購專利之目的。 高科技公司為能有效合法的執行策略性併購,以獲取目標公司的專利權,必須妥善的因應此一專利取得模式可能產生的法律問題。而高科技公司為取得專利權而從事策略性併購時,所要考量的法律問題亦與傳統併購所著重的法律問題有所不同,而應該分析特殊的法律議題。 首先,高科技公司作為策略性併購中的併購公司,必須評估目標公司之專利的狀態,以確認目標公司是否擁有完整的專利權,和目標公司專利權是否受到適當的保護等重要項目,藉以避開取得目標公司專利權或專利授權契約後可能產生的法律問題,方能順利達成策略性併購之目的。故併購公司除了進行併購流程中的一般正當調查之外,尚須需就目標公司的專利組合進行另外的「專利正當調查程序」,方能充分評估特定目標公司的專利組合是否真正值得併購,以及在併購程序中和併購完成後發生法律上的潛在風險。 其次,對於高科技公司能否合法的採取併購策略以取得專利授權契約,尤其須要釐清目標公司之專利授權契約是否得以透過併購,由併購公司加以受讓而取得被授權人之地位,而此一議題牽涉專利授權契約性質上是否具有可移轉性?其是否訂有禁止移轉條款?以及其是否會因併購公司採取不同的併購模式而有不同的影響?此外,高科技公司必須評估併購專利是否會造成阻礙競爭的效果,以致違背反扥拉斯法之規定。 上述攸關高科技公司併購中與專利權有關之問題,本文是以美國有關的法制以及實務作論述,蒐集美國相關法令、案例、學者研究及實務運作各層面之文獻資料,加以比較分析,嘗試整理歸納出相關問題的最佳因應策略,期能為我國高科技公司嘗試併購美國高科技公司之專利時提供管理決策上的參考。


In the age of rapidly advancing technology, understanding why intellectual assets are driving force behind the continue wave of merger and acquisition activity becomes more critical. Patent are particularly valuable for adopting strategic merger and acquisition because they enable Hi-Tech firms to create and hold monopoly power on unique products and services. In view of the Forgoing, Chapter 2 discusses the importance of patent and its management aspect in relation to Hi-Tech firms. Chapter 3 provides the overview of the type of the patent issue which should be considered under strategic merger and acquisition. Chapter 4provides essential issues and considerations pertaining intellectual property due diligence, focusing on「patent audit」for reducing coming risk form acquiring patent or patent license. For the purpose of obtaining patent portfolio , a Hi-Tech company seeking to acquire another company that possesses a patent license will want the ability to acquire that license without having to ask the patentee for permission. For the acquiring company, acquisition of the licensee may be the only way to gain control over the license. If the patented technology is vital to the company's survival in the marketplace, preserving the ability to acquire licenses through acquisition becomes critically important to the company. In this regards, Chapter 5discusses the context in which disputes may arise regarding the rights of an acquiring company to assume patent licenses held by a target company. The analysis also discusses the law that governs the transfer of property and the unique policy considerations surrounding patents to determine how courts may respond to efforts by patent holders to restrict the alienation of their licenses. Additionally, Chapter 6 provides legal analysis for several cases in which patent acquisitions occurs, consisting of Antitrust Act and FTC’s and DOJ’s guidelines, such as Sherman Act, Clayton Act and 1995 Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property, etc. This thesis looks at patent issues in merger and acquisitions focusing on U.S. law jurisdiction, Chapter 7 concludes and summarizes the discussion of the transfer of patent licenses in the context of mergers and acquisitions and also provides practical suggestions for Hi-Tech firm to undertake this commercial transaction.


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