  • 學位論文

利用代理人協商機制建構企業與企業間 RosettaNet訂單流程整合模型

Using Negotiation Agent Mechanism to Develop An Integrated Business-to-Business Model for the RosettaNet Purchase Order Process

指導教授 : 饒忻


電子商務的蓬勃發展,企業與企業間的電子交易也愈加頻繁,為了能使交易流程的進行順暢快速,企業紛紛使用共通的產業標準進行溝通。透過共通的產業標準,可發展出一個串聯交易夥伴間商業流程的溝通平台,此平台雖可幫助雙方控管商業流程及驗證文件格式;然而對於交易文件內的實際內容及資訊卻仍需透過相關人員進行決策與判讀,此舉不僅造成了交易流程上的時間負擔也增加了因人員介入所導致的錯誤機率而使企業蒙受損失。 為改善此項問題,本研究以RosettaNet訂單流程為例,發展一協商代理人機制,並將此機制加入該流程環境中。本研究以Biztalk 為實作的環境,以協助3A1文件在實際企業間進行正式交易前(預告訂單)進行談判協商之用,並在正式進行交易時(正式訂單)維護已協商之交易條件。本研究協商代理人機制之發展,主要是利用模糊推論之技術進行建構,以解決多議題下協商之問題。本研究利用“喜好程度”及“讓步程度”兩歸屬函數設計出多個模糊規則及針對議題權重不同而設計不同的讓步幅度值。為了探討本系統在不同讓步幅度值下的表現,本研究以協商結果差距、差距離散程度及協商次數作為觀察指標,以分析在不同幅度且不同指標下的變化。


Due to the rapid development of electronic commerce, the electronic trade between businesses become more often. In order to make the trade processes smooth and fast, most enterprises use the industry standards to develop an electronic business platform to transact business processes with each other. This can help both sides control the business process and validate the document format. However, this process still needs human effort to make decisions, which might cause a business loss due to time delay or human error during the process. In order to solve the problem, this research takes the order management process of the electronic business standard RosettaNet as an example and adds an agent-based negotiation mechanism into the order process. This study used the Biztalk to develop the negotiation system for performing the 3A1 document and the system helps settle purchase orders before the transaction and maintain trade conditions during the transaction. The agent-based negotiation mechanism uses the fuzzy inference technology to deal with the problem of multiple issues. This study uses two membership functions, preference degree and concession degree, for designing fuzzy rules to determine new values for issues in order to give offers to the opponent. This research also investigates the results for various concession ranges in terms of negotiation results and counts.


B2B Agent Fuzzy Set RosettaNet Negotiation


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