  • 學位論文


A Creation on the Visual Image of Taiwan Tourism

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


台灣曾享有「福爾摩沙」的美譽,那是16世紀葡萄牙人看到台灣之後的稱讚之詞。台灣擁有豐富多元的觀光資源,由於地層板塊運動不斷進行,造成台灣複雜多變的地形地貌,再加上北迴歸線恰好從中通過,使台灣同時擁有熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶等各種自然生態;在人文風貌方面,由於兼融了閩南、客家、原住民及外省等不同的族群,形成了多姿多彩的人文色彩,無論在宗教信仰、建築、語言、生活習慣及飲食風味上,均處處展現和諧共榮的繽紛景象。 行政院於民國九十一年所推出的「國家發展重點計畫」,全名稱為「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,其中第五項「觀光客倍增計畫」,預計將來台旅客人數提昇至現階段來台旅客人數的兩倍。為塑造台灣為「觀光之島」的新形象,該政府計畫以設計觀光形象新圖誌「Touch Your Heart, Taiwan」,及刊登在電視、雜誌、巴士車廂、地鐵燈箱、網站之系列宣傳歌曲、海報、影帶、廣告為主,以提升觀光客來台的意願,同時打響我國觀光形象及能見度。 本創作研究係先將台灣觀光資源相關資料收集與分析後,再針對台灣、香港與夏威夷宣傳國際觀光形象的案例進行比較,創新設計出能夠呈現台灣特色的觀光形象標誌,並發展出一系列廣告應用系統,包括宣傳海報、雜誌廣告及宣傳摺頁。本創作希望藉由提供系列視覺創新作品,能做為相關政府單位在規劃台灣觀光形象時的參考例子。


視覺形象 觀光產業 台灣


Taiwan once called "Formosa" (beautiful island) which the word of the commendation since the Portuguese came to Taiwan in 16th century. Taiwan has rich diversely of natural resources to go sightseeing, due to the stratum plate movement unceasingly carries on, creates the Taiwan complex changeable terrain landform, in addition the Tropic of Cancer exactly passes, enable Taiwan simultaneously to have the tropics, the subtropics, the temperate zone and so on each kind of natural ecology; In humanities style aspect, because concurrently merged the MinNan(Taiwanese), the HakKas, the indigenous and the other provinces of Taiwan residents and so on the different race group, has formed the colorful humanities color, regardless of in the religious belief, the construction, the language, the living habits and the diet flavor, everywhere unfolds the harmonious co-prosperity in riotous profusion picture. The Executive Yuan promotes "The national development key plan" in 2002, the entire name is "Challenges 2008: The national development key plan ", fifth item" the tourist multiplies plan ", estimated the passenger population will increase by 200% to the present stage in future. In order to portray Taiwan with the new image "The island of tourism", this government plan designed the new logo of sightseeing image "Touch Your Heart, Taiwan", and series of propaganda song, the poster, the film and the advertisement which publish in the television, the magazine, the bus, the subway lamp box, and the website primarily, hopefully will promote the tourist to come Taiwan the wish, simultaneously will fire our country to go sightseeing the image and the visibility. After collect and analyze the related data of Taiwan sightseeing resources, this creation research will aim at the propagandizes internationally tourism image those cases from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Hawaii to carry on the comparison, and innovation design the symbol of sightseeing image which enable present the Taiwan characteristic sufficiently, moreover will display a series of advertisement application system, including propaganda posters, magazine advertisement and promotional brochures. This creation hope affiliation by provides the series vision innovation work, can be a useful reference example for the related government department in plans Taiwan tourism image.


Tourism Taiwan Visual image


Glenn F. Ross(2003)。觀光心理學(劉修祥譯)。台北:桂魯。
Johun Swarbrooke & Susan Horner(2001)。觀光消費行為理論與實務(謝智謀、王怡婷譯)。台北:桂魯。


