  • 學位論文


A study of improvement in automatic press process

指導教授 : 王世明


摘 要 起子加工業在製程中應用低成本的氣壓或液壓等相關元件組裝自動化機構,以達成降低對操作員技術熟練度及減少人力依賴,且使產能增加、製品良率提高及降低成本等目的。本研究則探討起子加工業者現有自動化生產線所存在的盲點,並且尋求改正及替代方案。 由分析製程減併的合理性,歸納幾何型態類似、尺寸相近之沖壓加工成品,依據製程群組的同質性,將重複及共同的製程合併以減少工時。首先,檢討模具生產效率,包括因為模具損耗停機維修、更新與清除積屑等因素。在確認減併製程可行後著手改良模具結構,將生產模具改為連續沖壓模,減少沖床機台的數量以及模具材料的使用。其次,改良輔助生產設備,將進料方式由胚料的長度方向改變為直徑方向推送,有效縮短製程中胚料移動行程。自動送料機構動力則直接引用沖床機台動力,改良為機構直接連動,廢除送料動力的氣壓系統。簡化製程所使用設備複雜性,有助於減少維護工時。 實驗結果顯示,已經達到以最經濟方式且不增加設備條件下,合理減併製程,有效縮減製程工時至少百分之五十。調整生產線效率、提升代工業者競爭力,以適應少量多樣生產需求、工資上漲的壓力及代工業微利時代之惡劣經營環境。


Abstract To reduce the requirement of manpower, cost, and dependence on operators’ skill, and increase the production rate, automatic manufacturing system with pneumatic or hydraulic elements is widely used for the production of screw drivers. This study analyzes the drawbacks of existing manufacturing system of screw drivers and provides correction methods to effectively improve the performance of the manufacturing system. Through analyzing the similarity and repeatability of processes and size of products, manufacturing processes were either reduced or combined to lower the manufacturing down time. In the study, correlation between production efficiency and factors such as die wear, irregular machine stop, and chip cleaning was first reviewed. Secondly, die structure was modified for successive pressing so that the number of press machines and dies can be reduced. Furthermore, the feeding direction of the system was changed from longitudinal direction to radial direction. It shortens the moving distance of materials. In addition, because the pneumatic system for material feeding was replaced by directly using the power of the press machine, the cost and maintenance of the system were reduced and simplified. The experimental results have shown that the modification can reduce the production time at least 50% without increasing extra cost. It improves the manufacturing flexibility of the system which makes the system becomes more suitable for nowadays production requirement-big varieties and small quantity.


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