  • 學位論文

顧客關係管理對顧客滿意度與忠誠度影響之研究 - 以台灣砷化鎵半導體磊晶廠為例

A Study of The Influence on Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty of Customer Relationship Management – In The Case of GaAs Epi House in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖本哲


自1990年代末期以來隨著手機無線通訊熱潮,促進了關鍵材料-砷化鎵(GaAs)產業的發展,也極有可能效法矽產業模式為台灣另創一個完整的砷化鎵產業供應鏈。由於國內砷化鎵半導體產業早期投入供過於求、競爭激烈,且主要產品技術仍掌控在國外幾家大型IDM廠,國內砷化鎵代工業者須爭取IDM廠商的訂單,以謀求生存。因此顧客關係的管理就愈顯得重要。基於上述的產業背景與需求,本研究探討相關顧客關係管理文獻與理論,將研究焦點放在(1)產品發展各階段之顧客互動管理對顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響;(2)顧客知識管理對顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響;(3)企業倫理對顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響。 基於這樣的研究目的,本研究以國內具代表性之砷化鎵磊晶廠為例,同時採取個案訪談配合個案內部員工及外部顧客之問卷調查的方式進行資料蒐集。研究主要發現與建議為: 1. 產品發展各階段之顧客互動管理對顧客滿意度有正面影響。本研究並建議業者提供更具回饋價值之顧客互動策略,透過增加互動內容的有效性,配合積極主動的服務,真正達到顧客互動的意義以強化顧客之信任與信心。 2. 顧客知識管理對顧客滿意度有正面影響。建議個案建立具鼓勵性的知識分享環境、重視人才為本的組織學習,落實分享的組織文化,為企業帶來更好的發展。 3. 企業倫理活動與行為對顧客滿意度有正面影響。建議企業應重視企業本身核心文化與價值的宣揚,以凝聚企業的向心力。價格與成本是產業競爭力重要依據,隨著砷化鎵產業激烈競爭,顧客對價格的敏感度足以影響顧客採購策略,因此企業在持續強化顧客關係管理活動同時,應將價格競爭力納入企業策略規劃,以滿足顧客需求,進而創造忠誠顧客,全面提昇企業競爭力與發展。


Since 1990, along with the upsurging demand of mobile phones and wireless communication, have helped forward the development of the key material, the GaAs industry. It is also likely to imitate the successful example of Si industry to establish a complete supply chain of GaAs industry in Taiwan. Due to severe competition from oversupply in the early stages and the fact that most key technique and structures still being mastered by some international IDM (Integrated Device Manufacturers), GaAs epi houses and foundries would have to shoot for IDM’s orders and thus strive for their survival and development. Hence, Customer Relationship Management is getting vitally important for GaAs Industry in Taiwan. Based on the foregoing industry background and current situation, this study also conducted theoretical literatures and documents review to build the conceptual model of the study. This paper focuses on assessing the influence of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by (1) the intensity of customer interaction in different product development phases; (2) enterprise’ capability of customer knowledge management; (3) Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This study adopted case study of the representative GaAs epi house in Taiwan. We not only conducted industry interview of the GaAs epi house but also developed questionnaires for its interior employees and exterior customers for comprehensive information collecting and data analyzing. The major findings and suggestions are yielded and summarized as follows, 1. The intensity of customer interaction in different product development phases has positive influence on customer satisfaction. We also suggest that managers of GaAs industry provide more productive interaction strategy. By increasing more validity and value of interaction while keeping initiative and enthusiastic service would strenghen customer’s confidence and reliance. 2. The capability of customer knowledge management has positive influence on customer satisfaction. We suggest that companies build up an encouraging environment and system for knowledge sharing, value person talent as basis of organization learning and carry out the organization learning to optimize the efficency and performance of the company. 3. Business ethics and corporate social responsibility has positive influence on customer satisfaction. It shows that companies that emphasize business ethics and fufill corporate social responsibility are more likely to increase customer satisfaction. Besides, we also suggest that corporate advocate company core value and attach importance to company culture so that would help corporate hlod together internally. 4. Price and cost have become critical factors in the increasing drastic competition in GaAs industry. While constantly strengthening the Customer Relashioship Management, managers should also subsume price competitiveness of business strategies to overall enhance the company competitiveness and development.


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