  • 學位論文

技術移技術移轉策略與移轉成效關係之研究 -- 以台灣光碟機產業為例

Research of Technology Transfer Strategy and Transfer Effect --Case study of Taiwan Compact Disc Drive Industry

指導教授 : 顧志遠


中 文 摘 要 科技快速的發展,技術不斷的創新,產品的生命週期因而不斷縮短,企業競爭的壓力如影隨形無所不在,台灣的高科技產業正面臨巨大的挑戰,因此“技術移轉”已成為國內中小企業廠商“產業升級”、降低技術與資金風險的最佳途徑;而“技術移轉策略”的採行與“成效評估”是企業在技術移轉過程中不可或缺的一環。 本研究的主要對象是以台灣光碟機產業為主,因應目前我國光電產業的發展已面臨了技術轉型期,從所面臨的環境來看,一方面先進國家的技術水準高出我們甚多追趕不易,另一方面原本在後的開發中國家卻又逐漸逼近,更使得我們必須加速技術突破,以求生存立於不敗之地。獲取技術的方式有許多種而本研究的目的為探討技術移轉策略的選擇與移轉成效的評估,並以光電產業中的光碟機產業為個案,提出對企業技術轉移決策模式的建議與技術轉移成效的評估。 本研究使用的資料來源為主要為各中英文已發表論文、期刊及相關書籍、光碟機技術資料來源依其技術發展先後時期取得,依次主要為問卷調查、公司訪談、荷商飛利浦、日商東芝、國內廠商聯發科、威盛、揚智等發表之資料,其次為工研院、專業雜誌、技術出版品及技術研討會。本研究採用調查研究方式,在時間與成本的限制下以台灣前五大光碟機廠商為研究對象。研究架構是以五個技術移轉策略指標 (完全技術移轉/部分技術移轉/委託研發/合作研發/技術人員租賃)及四個技術移轉績效構面(技術取得速度/技術掌控性/市場獲利性/全面性考量) 為主要概念,透過問卷調查與公司訪談作一統計分析,再以比較判斷法得一技術移轉策略指標--技術移轉績效構面評估表,根據此表所得分數比重,再由每一策略得一優劣點分析以作為策略選擇的決策模式。 最後歸納研究結果可整理出成功的技術移轉決策模式,以提供國內廠商有志於投入光碟機產業或曾經失敗過的技術需求廠商一套有效的技術移轉策略,以作為中小企業未來技術移轉決策時的參考;企業主在考量本身實際的資金與人才條件限制下,可參考適當的決策模式,以取得有效適當的技術移轉決策模式。


Abstract Due to high technology industries innovation speedy, the life cycle of new products are shortened day by day, the stress of enterprises competition omnipresent‧ In Taiwan the high technology industries face a giant challenge, technology transfer is one of the best way to promote industry and get competitive advantage for Taiwan small-middle companies, technology transferred strategies and effective evaluation are indispensable during the technology be transferred. The domestic CD drive industries is the analysis unit in current study‧At present, the CD industries face on technical transition, one way we hardly keep up with the developed countries, the other way the developing countries almost catch up with us, to breakthrough technology is important issue right now‧However, technology transfer there are many kind of behavior, the current issues not only for the academics but also the practices by study CD drive industries, we try to derive a proposal for technology transferred decision making model and effective evaluation for domestic CD drive industries. This current issue reference material including released English& Chinese paper, periodicals and related books, CD drive information reference material derive from international and domestic CD drive industry companies that had released seminar,public paper, companies inquire about and investigate‧The study framework concept is implement method of paired comparison to analysis five technology transfer strategy pointers and four technology transfer indices, in this situation these analyzed parameters derive from questionnaires and company investigate. Finally, according to the results of empirical studies we try to know a successful technology transferred strategy decision making, which offer these achievements to these companies that have not experience in the past and a reference for technology transferred unsuccessfully firm who want to technology transfer in the future. Keywords:CD drive(Compact Disc Drive), Method of paired comparison.


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