  • 學位論文


The study of the effect of light-emitting diode irradiation on human histiocytic lymphoma

指導教授 : 謝瑞香


中文摘要 在傷口癒合的過程當中,巨噬細胞被認為是釋放促進纖維母細胞增生之生長因子的重要來源之一。為了瞭解光對傷口癒合之影響,本研究使用發光二極體作為光源,有系統的探討各種不同功率、能量組合的光照,對人類淋巴瘤細胞株(U-937)的影響。目的在評估最佳刺激參數下,淋巴瘤細胞上清液促進纖維母細胞增生的可能性。 細胞的增生利用細胞計數盤計算細胞數的方式測量。生長因子分泌量的變化則以免疫酵素分析法(ELISA)分析。最後,纖維母細胞分泌的膠原蛋白濃度,則是利用膠原蛋白染色法來判斷。 研究結果發現最佳刺激參數為:植入後24小時為最佳刺激時機。在波長630nm,功率15 mw/cm2,能量4J/cm2的條件下刺激,得到最佳效果,細胞可增生為1.5倍。在波長630nm,功率15 mw/cm2,能量4J/cm2刺激下,TGF-β1分泌量由58.40 ±1.75增加至78.47±2.25 pg/ml (p<0.01),而單位細胞分泌量則在刺激後第24小時達到最高量(9.54±0.14 pg/105cell)。膠原蛋白分泌量,在刺激後第48小時,由38.45±0.01 增加至42.50±0.91 μg/mg(p<0.01)。 結果顯示,U-937細胞在體外以特定波長的發光二極體照射下,可以改變它們影響纖維組織母細胞增殖的能力。


Abstract Macrophages are considered as a source of many important mediators to release growth factors that stimulate fibroblast proliferation during wound repair. We investigated the influence of the light-emitting diode (LED) on human lymphoma cell (U-937), a macrophage-like cell line. Different power density and energy densities were compared. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of stimulation on fibroblast proliferation cultured in the supernatant from U-937 cells which received LED irradiation under our best stimulating parameters Proliferation of cells was measured by cell counting on a hemocytometer. The changes of growth factor were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). The concentrations of collagen release from fibroblast were analyzed by collagen stain assay (Fast green-Sirius red assay). Twenty-four hours after seeding and the single dose of light treatment were the most suitable stimulating parameter. The maximum effect (1.5 fold proliferation compared baseline) was observed at the setting of 630nm, 15mw/cm2, and 4J/cm2. The concentration of TGF-β1 increased from 58.40±1.75 to 78.47±2.25 pg/ml (p<0.01). The maximal secretion of TGF-β1 per cell (9.54±0.14pg/105cells) was noted at twenty-four hours after treatment. The concentration of collagen release from fibroblast increased from 38.45±0.01 to 42.50±0.91 μg/mg (p<0.01) at forty-eight hours after replacement. These results indicate that in vitro irradiation of U-937 cells with LED at specific parameter can modify their ability to affect fibroblast proliferation.


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