  • 學位論文

差序氣氛對組織成員正義知覺影響之研究 —以某國防機構為例

The Influence of Differential Matrices on Organizational Justice -the Case of Military Organization

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘要 在社會激烈的競爭下,組織寄望變革能達成績效的突破以及改變員工的作業習性。人員精簡是變革最常使用的方式,唯其推行過程的關鍵在於落實「公平」原則,達到擇優汰弱,扭轉成員有不利組織目標達成的行為態度。研究顯示人與人在相處上具有等差性,此種差序性的關係網反應到資源分配時,可能使得主管在進行績效評估時對自己人有所偏私,進而導致績效評估產生偏差及扭曲。本研究主要目的在於嘗試了解組織變革人員精實施行過程,員工所知覺「差序氣氛」與「組織正義」的關聯性以及員工個人因素與「差序氣氛」及「組織正義」知覺的關係。 本研究除以文獻分析「差序格局」及「組織正義」之理論與相關研究外,採用問卷調查法,並依據「差序氣氛」、「組織正義」及個人因素之「內控傾向」等量表,以單位便利抽樣方式取樣。使用SPSS軟體對研究變項進行信度分析、敍述性分析、相關分析、t檢定、單因子變異數、多元迴歸分析。以個案組織員工為研究對象,發出400份問卷,回收345份,有效樣本回收率為92.25%。 經由統計分析獲得結論如下: 一、員工的身份類別與偏私對待及親信角色有顯著的關聯性,不同身份類別在偏私對待及親信角色上有顯著差異,其中軍職同仁對偏私對待及親信角色的知覺低於技術員。 二、內控傾向與差序氣氛呈顯著負相關,顯示員工內控傾向愈高,其知覺相互依附、偏私對待及親信角色就愈低。 三、不同身份類別在程序正義知覺上有顯著差異,軍職同仁對程序正義的知覺高於技術員。 四、內控傾向與組織正義呈顯著正相關,顯示員工內控傾向愈高,其知覺分配正義、程序正義及互動正義愈高。 五、偏私對待與程序正義具顯著負向預測能力,即當個人因素不變時,員工知覺偏私對待愈高,則程序正義的知覺程度就愈低;而相互依附則對分配正義具顯著正向預測能力,即當個人因素固定時,員工知覺相互依附愈高,則其對分配正義知覺程度愈高。 綜上所述,本研究建議個案組織之高階管理者應採下列作為:加強基層主管的管理訓練課程及任期調動、重塑組織文化,降低偏私對待的產生。實施參與管理或目標管理,以量化的工作表述作為績效依據以落實公平原則,以逹成組織擇優汰弱之目的及確保組織變革的成功。


Abstract To increase organizational effectiveness and to improve employees’ performance, today’s organizations undergo different types of strategic or structural changes. Downsizing is one of the methods that are most commonly used for organizational changes. During the process of downsizing, the principles of fairness and equity are critical. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between employees’ perceptions of differential matrices and organizational justices. We collect empirical data from employees of a military organization which is currently undergone major organizational restructures. A total of 345 effective questionnaires were returned. Results of statistical analyses are as follows: 1. The employee’s position is significantly related to partiality treatment and trust. The perceptions of partiality treatment and trust of military employees are lower than those of technicians. 2. Internal locus of control is negatively related to differential atmosphere (interdependence, partiality and trust). Those who score higher in internal locus of control, their perceptions of interdependence, partiality treatment and trust are lower. 3. The employee’s position is significantly related to procedural justice. The perceptions of procedure justice of military employees are higher than those of technicians. 4. Internal locus of control is positively related to organizational justice (distribution, procedural, and interacting justices). Those who score higher in internal locus of control, their perceptions of justices are higher. 5. The partiality treatment is negatively related to procedural justice. It shows the higher employee’s perception of partiality treatment, the lower perception of procedural justice, when the personnel factor is unchanged. The partiality treatment is positively related to distributed justice. It shows the higher employee’s perception of partiality treatment, the higher perception of distributed justice, when the personnel factor is unchanged. In summary, this research suggests that the manager should introduce some activities as follows: improving the management training of leader on basic level and scheduled transferring, rebuilding organizational culture, decreasing differential atmosphere and partiality treatment, and implementing join management or target management. Using quantified activities to evaluate achievement fairly, and making organizational changing successfully.


