  • 學位論文

兩岸行銷通路型態與結構影響因素之研究 —以自行車產業為例—

An Analysis of the Factors that Influence the Types and Structures of Marketing Channel -Bicycle Industry as An Example

指導教授 : 高孔廉


論文摘要 自1990年代開始,台灣地區的自行車業由以往的OEM方式替歐美品牌代工,逐漸轉型為重視OEM與OBM並重,2003年A-Team產業聯盟的成立顯示業者近年來積極推動自行車產業的發展,並且也提昇了台灣自行車產業的品牌知名度。2004年時中國大陸已成為全球最大自行車生產國,其中捷安特以及美利達對於中國大陸地區的佈局更是積極。因此,本研究選擇在兩岸經營自行車的業者為本研究的產業對象。 以自行車產業而言,除了品牌策略外,與其相搭配的行銷通路的掌握亦是市場競爭成功的重要關鍵因素。本研究主要為探討影響兩岸自行車產業通路型態與結構的因素,選擇研究的因素有廠商資源能力、交易成本以及通路商的實力與配合意願。選取三家(捷安特、美利達、富士)在台灣以及中國大陸都有銷售產品的台灣自行車業廠商,深入進行個案研究。 本研究經過相關文獻探討,背景資料蒐集以及與個案廠商訪談,得到以下的結論: 1.廠商資源能力中影響廠商通路型態與結構最重要的因素為廠商所擁有的通路經營經驗,其次為品牌知名度,再次之為規模。 2.台灣地區,自行車廠商經驗愈豐富,通路垂直整合的可能性愈高,通路階層數愈少。 3.自行車廠商所選擇的通路商實力愈低,愈傾向採用通路寬度愈大的多重行銷通路。 4.自行車廠商品牌知名度愈大,愈偏向採用密集式配銷通路。


自行車 通路型態 通路結構


Abstract Among the marketing strategies, marketing channels are the key points for the enterprise to succeed. Not many studies focued on the types and structures of marketing channels so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the types and structures of the marketing channel. We choose bicycle industry as our subject of study. Three largest producers including Giant, Merida, and Fuji are chosed for personal in–depth interview in our case study. The factors choosed in this study are include the relationship with channel members, the resources of enterprise and the transaction cost. The study has four findings as follows: 1. The most important factor which influences the types and structures of marketing channel is the experience of the firm. The second is brand and the third is scale. 2. If bicycle producers have long history in bicycle industry, they tend to use integrated channel in Taiwan area. 3. If the sales agents are less qualified, the producers tend to use multiple channels. 4. If the brand of the bicycle producers is famous, the producers are more likely to use intensive channels.


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Su, H. Y. (2009). 消費者對摺疊自行車購買行為之研究 [master's thesis, Yuan Ze University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-2206200919092700
