  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Key Successful Factors on Online Game Industry

指導教授 : 李正文


近年來隨著網際網路持續性地成長,線上遊戲產業在一片不景氣中創造了亮麗的成績,業者目睹線上遊戲的商機,紛紛投入線上遊戲的製作與代理,因而造成市面上線上遊戲商品越來越多的趨勢。由於網路遊戲的特性,排他性的影響下,各家網路公司正競爭激烈。然而在眾多遊戲廠商中,能夠脫穎而出的網路遊戲商品卻是屈指可數,網路遊戲他要成功所需要具備以哪些條件或是特點,能夠讓新進玩家或是舊的玩家停留呢。尤其是在現今競爭如此激烈的產業中,要佔有一席之地,更是遊戲廠商在設計或是行銷遊戲時所不能缺少的。 本篇研究線上遊戲成功關鍵因素交互影響之探討,並採取問卷發放,針對中原大學附近學生以及小部份網咖族群,站在消費者立場探討影響線上遊戲之因素探討。總共發送了336份,並且取出其中245分為有效問卷,問卷有效率為72.9% 並採用因素分析法,pearson相關分析,典型相關與逐步迴歸等方法,探討線上遊戲影響因子的交互關係。本文透過四大構面來分析,此四大構面分別為玩家參與動機、經營模式、遊戲設計、玩家忠誠度,探討構面之間的相關性。研究結果發現玩家參與動機和經營模式、玩家參與動機和遊戲設計、玩家參與動機和玩家忠誠度、經營模式與遊戲設計、經營模式與玩家忠誠度、遊戲設計與玩家忠誠度皆有顯著相關性;說明了當遊戲公司在設計遊戲時可以透過這四個方向切入,透過其交互影響來探討各影響因子的重要性。最後在本篇文章研究中,於研究結果中可以給予線上遊戲廠商一些管理上的建議例如加強與消費者的溝通、遊戲品質的維持(代理商態度)、製作遊戲的考量方向,使其能夠更順利打入遊戲市場。


In recent years, the internet continues to grow and evolves as a vital resource with which companies can upgrade their capabilities and grow their business. During the recession, online game industry’s growth does not stop and creates remarlable performance. Many companies try to join the industry and produce or act as agent. As a result, the markets become more and more competitive. As for the characteristic of online game- exclusiveness, consumers always choose one specific game. What is the successful game which has its own attractive factors, especially in such a competitive industry? This research, I use questionnaire to collect the data in evaluating and identifying the key factors and their impact on the online game industry in Taiwan. This study conducts an empirical research to evaluate the efforts of online game industry. The methodologies include Pearson Correlation Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis and Stepwise Regression analysis to examine the relationships of the characteristics of the online game industry that have four dimensions:player participation motivation, business patterns, game design, and player loyalty. The results show that they have noticeable correlation.. Finally, this study suggests for that online game companies should enforce the communication to consumers and maintain the quality of game play and directions in producing software


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