  • 學位論文

文化差異與企業領導風格關係之研究 —以台灣本土企業與在台美商公司為研究對象

An Empirical Study on Cross-Cultural Difference and Leadership Style between Local Taiwanese-owned and American-Invested Enterprises

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


由於當今企業國際化及全球化的趨勢方興未艾,各國之間的交流接觸日趨密切頻繁,加上資訊科技及網際網路的發達,使得世界的距離快速縮短,因此世界儼然成為一個緊密互動的大型社區。企業在全球化經營背景下,因各國文化多元性、空間擴大化等因素,而大大提高了企業對跨文化管理的複雜性和風險性,也攸關企業的決策成敗與經營績效,值得吾人進一步研究。 管理首重決策,而企業高階主管的領導風格直接影響決策與經營方式。又因文化會影響人的價值觀,價值觀會影響人的態度,態度又會影響人的行為模式,而表現在管理上就會出現不同的領導風格。因此,本研究希望能夠透過實證研究,選定台灣本土企業及在台美商企業各五家公司,針對其各級主管及基層人員,以問卷的方式進行抽樣調查,來探討攸關企業決策及經營的管理者領導風格是否會受其母國企業的文化差異所影響。 本研究利用因素分析將依變數文化差異及企業領導風格類型的問卷題目萃取成四大構面後,經因素命名及計算每個構面的權重後,經信度分析檢驗皆達要求,接著針對自變數「企業母國別」分別對依變數「文化差異」及「領導風格類型」利用多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)做檢驗,並利用典型相關分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis)檢驗「文化差異」及「領導風格類型」之間的關連性。茲將本研究的研究結果說明如下: 1. 企業所屬的「母國別」會對其企業的文化內涵產生影響: 在「權力距離」及「規避不確定性」方面,在台美商企業在此構面的傾向較低;在「個人主義」方面,在台美商企業在此構面的傾向較高;在「男性化/女性化」方面,兩者的傾向很接近。 2. 企業的「文化差異」會對其管理者的「領導風格」產生影響: 台灣本土企業主管的領導風格較偏向「關係導向型」與「交易式領導」的領導風格;在台美商企業則比較偏向「任務導向型」及「轉換式領導」的領導風格。 3. 企業所屬的「母國別」對其「文化差異」之影響容易受到企業所屬成員的「性別」及「工作職務」等變數的干擾影響;但不受企業所屬成員的「教育程度」的干擾影響。 4. 企業所屬的「母國別」對其「領導風格」之影響容易受到企業所屬成員的「工作職務」變數的干擾影響;但不受企業所屬成員的「性別」及「教育程度」的干擾影響。 本研究發現,管理者的領導風格確實會受文化差異的影響,因此企業應針對不同的文化特性,採取不同的領導方式,因人、因地制宜,讓部屬能充分發揮工作能力及其專長,創造企業最佳的經營績效。


As a result of current trend of internationalization and globalization, the communication and interconnection are becoming more close and frequent in the world. Besides, the world has now been an inseparable large-scale community due to the prosperous development of information & communication technology. Basing on the background of globalization operation, enterprises are now experiencing the high complexity and risk of cross-cultural management because of the culture pluralism and needs for localization. And these issues correlate with business’ strategy and management performance. It is, therefore, worthwhile for us to study this topic in further detail. Decision making is the first priority of management; however, the leadership style of enterprises’ top management will influence the decision making and operating mode directly. We know that both in theory and practice, culture will influence people's values which will influence people's attitude in succession, and this attitude will further influence people's behavior. And the external behavior will be presented in different leadership styles in management. Therefore, this research tends to use sample survey with questionnaire to investigate the employees and different ranks of managers among 5 Taiwanese-owned companies and 5 American-Invested enterprises to study whether the managers’ leadership style will be influenced by each local country’s culture. This research utilized factor analysis to extract the questionnaire items to 4 dimensions for“cultural differences”as well as“leadership styles,”then applied factor naming and calculated the weight for each dimension. The researcher then checked questionnaire’s reliability by using Cronbach α Coefficient, and used MANOVA to check whether the enterprise’s mother country will influence the cultural difference and leadership style. And finally, this research utilized canonical correlation analysis to test the significance of the sophisticated relationships between cultural difference and leadership style. The results of this empirical study are as follows: 1. Enterprise’s mother country has significant influence on its cultural characteristics. American-invested enterprise has the lower tendency than Taiwanese-owned enterprise on “power distance” and “uncertainty avoidance” dimensions, furthermore, the former has higher tendency than the latter on “individualism” dimension. 2. Enterprise’s cultural difference has significant influence on enterprise’s leadership style. The leadership style of management of American-invested enterprise has the higher tendency on “task-orientation” and “transformation” in leadership styles, and Taiwanese-owned enterprise’s management has higher tendency on “consideration” and “transaction” in leadership styles. 3. This study treated demographics as intervening variables, in which “gender” and “job position” did have significant impacts on the interaction between enterprise’s mother country and cultural differences; however, the “education level” did not have significant impact. 4. Successive analysis of these demographics shows that the “job position” has significant impact on the interaction between Enterprise’s mother country and leadership styles; however, both the “gender” and “education level” have no significant impacts. This empirical study found that the leadership style of managers will be influenced by enterprise’s cultural characteristics. Therefore, managers in different culture should take different leadership style into account to adapt their self adequately to the diversified situations and inspire employees to create enterprise’s best performance.




吳俊穎(2007)。胃癌侵襲性的分子生物標記:OPN-uPA-MMPs Pathway分子的表現與變異〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.00806
