  • 學位論文

論我國娼妓政策之性別意涵 —從社會秩序維護法的觀察出發—

The Regulation on Prostitution in Taiwan —A Critical Assessment of the Social Order Maintenance Law—

指導教授 : 李立如


中文摘要 我國社會秩序維護法罰娼不罰嫖的規定雖然迭招批評,然而,這樣的規定已經施行數十年,此一規範背後似乎有深刻的性別意識型態作為支柱。這種性別雙重標準,特別是就「性」而言,這樣的雙重標準更是鮮明,「嚴以律女,寬以待男」的態度似乎存在於社會生活的各個領域中,而性的管制法律往往是此一性別意識型態的反映。藉由娼妓管制沿革的簡介,本文試圖反映出傳統娼妓管理政策背後的父權性別意識型態。此外,本文亦探討此一性別意識型態的內涵及其對我國法律制度的影響。 因循著對父權社會性別意識型態的批判,女性主義者就娼妓問題開展出各種不同的觀察角度與論述。這些論述主要可歸類為二,一種是肯認性的商品化,並認為婦女性的商品化乃是身體自主的一種形式,認為性的商品化具有正面價值將有助於婦女自性的壓迫中得到解放。此派論述認為應該將成人性交易的雙方當事人除罪化。另外一派女性主義反對性的商品化,尤其是反對婦女將性商品化。因為此派見解認為婦女性的商品化將會再現父權體制對女性的壓迫,使女性主義者所欲根除的父權體制更加深刻。是以,此派的論述認為應該處罰壓迫婦女的男性嫖客,將受壓迫的被害人(即從娼婦女)除罪化。本文希望藉由分析這兩種論述方式,檢視何種主張或許可以真正改善甚至瓦解父權體制對於婦女的壓迫與歧視。藉由女性主義的論述分析,釐清「性」是否得為市場上交易的商品後,本文接續探討,過去關於性交易影響公共衛生、婚姻制度、子女身心健全以及衍生犯罪之論述究係出自理性或是偏見,希望藉由這樣的討論,為我國娼妓政策提供一可行的修正方向。


Abstract In Taiwan, The Social Order Maintenance Law punishes only sex service provider(prostitute), not the patron. This regulation stands still, though it has been criticized all the time. It seems that there are serious gender problems here. Prostitutes are women, in most cases, that’s why prostitution is a gendered activity. All the time, whenever women are the target of the sex regulation, men are comparative sexually free. This gender inequality exists in every field of our social life, and the sex regulation is just the reflection of the inequality. This article tries to introduce a brief history of regulation on prostitution and reflects some gender problems. Besides that, this article tries to analyse the gender structure of Patriarchy and shows how Patriarchy has affected our legal system . With the time passes by and the growing of the women’s right, the gender problems seem to collapse from the outside. But the core of gender bias still deeply planted in our society. Feminists have criticized the gender structure of patriarchy all the time. When it comes to commercial sex, Feminists devided . To liberal feminism, prostitution as work, improving prostitutes' working conditions, maximizing and validating women's choices, and eradicating the social stigma of prostitution through such methods as public education and decriminalization of prostitution. To radical feminism, Prostitution isn't like anything else. Rather everything else is like prostitution, because it is the model for women's condition, for gender stratification and its logical extension, sex discrim ination. Prostitution is founded on enforced sexual abuse under a system of male supremacy that is itself built along a continuum of coercion--fear, force, racism and poverty. By introducing the differences between the liberal and the radical feminism , this article tries to clarify which one could eradicate the patriarchy system and offer prostitutes/women a better future which less stigma and gender inequality exists. Finally, this article discusses the traditional concerns about commercial sex, such as public health, marriage, children and the correlation between prostitution and other serious crimes. In the end, this article argues that such concerns mostly come from prejudice, not reason.


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