  • 學位論文


Analysis of Residual Contaminants in Disposable Utensils

指導教授 : 葉華光


一次性免洗用品在外觀及包裝上並無法得知其中的內容物及添加物,也無法得知這類化合物是否對人體有害。本研究利用氣相層析質譜儀來鑑定一次性免洗用品中可能存在的有機汙染物。 一般常見的有機汙染物如塑膠製品中加入的添加劑、抗氧化劑、塑化劑以及聚苯乙烯類塑膠中的寡聚物皆對人體有害處。而在製作鋁箔過程中所使用的潤滑劑未處理完全造成殘留亦對人體有危害。 在鋁製免洗容器中本研究,發現殘留的汙染物為潤滑劑,且在同一廠牌中發現所使用的潤滑劑皆相同。所測到的種類有碳數24、26、28的三酸甘油酯,Octyl Stearate和Octyl palmitate,以及長碳鏈之碳氫化合物,皆為製作過程中殘留下或未處理完全之化合物。在所分析的四家鋁箔紙廠牌中,發現有塑化劑DEHP以及生物可分解之潤滑劑squalene的殘留,squalene為生物可分解之潤滑劑。而聚苯乙烯類的塑膠產品中除了有聚苯乙烯的寡聚物還有抗氧化劑BHT。在模擬實際使用情形之後所進行的分析中,這些樣品的汙染物會在使用、烹調或料理過程中被轉移。而可微波之聚丙烯塑膠亦添加抗氧化劑BHT,且BHT根據分析結果會在使用中轉移出來。在免洗筷、竹籤和牙籤中,所分析的一系列樣品中並未發現聯苯(biphenyl)或其他人工添加劑,實驗中所使用的方法偵測出的化合物為竹製品本身自有的成份。


汙染物 免洗用品


Accompanying the awareness of the public on public hygiene and health is the rapid increase in the use of disposable kitchen wares and utensils such as plastic plates, bowls, cups, spoons, and forks, bamboo chopsticks, aluminum bowls, trays, and foils, etc. While these utensils bring convenience to our daily livings, they also bring unwanted and unwelcome chemical contaminants due to the additives in the manufacturing processes. Since almost all disposable kitchen wares and utensils are not cleaned before use and typically directly contact food and drinks, these contaminants are very likely to migrate into the food and drinks and are eventually ingested. Some commonly seen residues are plasticizers and lubricants from the manufacturing processes, others include plastic additives, monomers, and oligomers from the polymerization process. The goal of this study is to survey the presence of these contaminants in disposable utensils. The results show that triglycerides are present in the aluminum wares analyzed. Triglycerides are typically used as lubricant in the aluminum ware manufacturing processes. The contaminants in the aluminum foils are DEHP and squalene. DEHP is used as a plasticizer while squalene is used as a lubricant. The residues found in the polystyrene utensils are styrene oligomers and antioxidants. For the bamboo products, there was no detection of biphenyl in a series of determination of disposable chopsticks and toothpicks.


contaminants disposable utensils


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