  • 學位論文


The Research on the Development of Civil infrastructure in Taiwan during the Japanese Govemance

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


本研究為台灣近代土木史基礎研究的一環,特別針對日治時期日人在台所從事的各項土木建設事業與其發展過程作一全面而完整的論述與探討,期能初步釐清與建構出日治時期台灣土木工程建設事業發展的歷程與脈絡。本文主要藉由日治時期官方或民間出版之總督府公文類纂、土木相關事業概要、專書、期刊、報章雜誌等文獻史料的搜集、整理,配合現地田野調查的輔助,透過歷史分期的行文架構,並嘗試以建設史與技術史的角度來分析、探討與論述。全文各章節之主要內容包括: 第一章 緒論 包含研究動機與目的、土木事業的定義與研究範圍的界定、相關研究與文獻回顧、研究方法與流程等。 第二章 軍事性基礎建設與台灣近代土木工程的萌芽 以西元1895年中日甲午戰敗、日本據台為開端,論述當時台灣全島局勢不穩,各地武裝抗日不斷,因此日本政府遂於該期間以台灣全島的軍事平定為首要目標,使得台灣總督府所施行之土木基礎設施建設多半以軍事、戰爭為其首要考量,同時亦因而開始將近代土木工程技術與構造物設施引入台灣的過程。 第三章 殖產興業政策下全面推展的土木工程建設 以當時台灣總督府欲全力拓展台灣的殖產開發政策為背景,論述台灣總督府於西元1909年起所展開的一連串涵蓋水利埤圳、水力發電、築港及東部鐵道建設與道路永久橋樑架替工事等土木基礎設施建設事業,並配合上述工程建設的施行開始著手土木官制的改革及政策法令的樹立制定,包括設置執行重大土木工程建設之「臨時台灣工事部」及樹立「指定道路內架設永久工橋樑」的計畫政策之過程。 第四章 國土基礎建設的持續整備及災害保全 以1924年12月25日「台灣總督府交通局」官制的設立為重要轉類點,論述此一土木官制組織之重要變革,並轉變原著眼於單點、局部性的土木基礎建設事業觀念,改擴大為全區域的國土基礎建設與災害防治的政策思想,並從而進行全面建設的過程。 第五章 戰時南進政策及國土資源利用下的土木建設事業 以1941年爆發的「太平洋戰爭」(當時日本稱為大東亞戰爭)之時代背景,論述台灣在此局勢下所施行之各項支援國防與工業發展的土木建設計畫事業。 第六章 結論 針對本研究之論述作一統整性的總結與探討,包含日治時期台灣土木工程建設事業發展歷程之概述、日治時期台灣土木工程建設事業發展的特質、土木類文化資產保存概念的建議及後續研究與討論等。


日治時期 土木史 土木事業


The study, as a link in the fundamental study of Taiwan’s modern civil engineering history, aims to present a comprehensive coverage and examination by focusing particularly on a variety of civil engineering development enterprise sought by the Japanese and the development process during the Japanese occupation era in an attempt to discern and instill the development process and timeline of Taiwan’s civil engineering development enterprise during the Japanese Governance era. The study primarily gathers and sorts information derive from official and private governor administration’s official document compilations published during the Japanese occupation era, and literature archival information derived from civil engineering-related enterprise abstracts, trade publications, periodicals, newspapers and magazine, combined with the aid of location field surveys, which is presented in a thesis framework divided by historical period, and also attempts to analyze, examine and describe the process by broaching from the angle of construction history and technological timeline. The key contents of the thesis’s sections and chapters include, Chapter I Introduction The chapter covers the research motive and objectives, the definition of civil engineering enterprises and the definition of the study’s parameters, relevant study and archival literature review, research methodology and process, and the like. Chapter II Military infrastructure development and the emergence of Taiwan’s modern civil engineering development Broaching from the defeat of the Sino-Japanese war at the Marco Polo Bridge in 1895, and the Japanese occupied Taiwan, the chapter describes when turmoil spread through the island of Taiwan then causing constant armed upheavals all around, as a result the Japanese government had turned to military containment across the island of Taiwan as a forefront objective during the period, steering the Taiwan Governor Office’s civil engineering infrastructure development to be led largely by a crucial consideration on military and warfare, spurring also the process of beginning to introduce modern civil engineering technology and building facilities into Taiwan. Chapter III A full promotion of the civil engineering development under the agricultural and industrial policy Taking to the background of the Taiwan Governor Office’s desire to fully expand Taiwan’s agricultural and industrial development policy, the chapter describes the commencement of a series of civil engineering infrastructure development sought by the Taiwan Governor Office starting in 1909, encompassing irrigational dams and canals, hydrological power generation, harbor construction, and the eastern railway construction, as well as the replacement of permanent roadway bridge braces, coordinated also with promulgating the official civil engineering system reform and ascertaining the legal and regulatory system before the commencement of the foresaid civil engineering development, including the process of launching and implementing the “Interim Taiwan Construction Department” charged with major civil engineering projects, and promulgating the project policy of the “construction of permanent construction bridges at designated roadways”. Chapter IV The ongoing mobilization and disaster securitization on state property infrastructure development By focusing on the inception of the “Taiwan Governor Office’s Bureau of Transportation” system on Dec. 25, 1924 as a crucial turning point, the chapter describes the crucial evolvement of this official civil engineering organization, and how the initial civil engineering infrastructure development enterprising concept focusing on points and partialness had been expanded to a region-wide state property infrastructure development and disaster prevention policy thinking, and in turn revamped into a comprehensive development process. Chapter V The wartime southward policy and the civil engineering construction enterprises under state property utilization Broaching from time background of the Pacific War, or what the Japanese referred to as the Great Southeast Asia War, erupted in 1941, the chapter describes a variety of civil engineering project enterprises sought in Taiwan for supporting the national defense and industrial development under the wartime scenarios. Chapter VI Conclusion The chapter provides a comprehensive recap and examination on the study’s assertions, including a brief recap on Taiwan’s civil engineering development enterprise’s development history during the Japanese occupation era; the characteristics of Taiwan’s civil engineering development enterprise during the Japanese occupation era; recommendations for the conservation of civil engineering cultural heritage, as well as recommendations for subsequent studies and discussions.


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