  • 學位論文


The Hunters Disappearing Above the Clouds--Reconstructing the Original Aspects and Migration Process Of the Bunun People in Batonggua Community

指導教授 : 陳其澎


摘要 Bunun(布農族),正確地說,應是Taimidadaq tu Bunun(這塊土地上的人,意指布農族),是台灣泛稱為原住民族的其中一族,Bunun在過去的Palihabasan (歷史)上,因為外部因素,如外族侵入之政治因素等,及內部因素,如人口壯大土地不敷使用之經濟原因等,再加以具有「不要在同一塊區域上持續使用耕種,這樣會導致土地生病,種植出來的作物也不會好」之觀念,所以產生Linahaban(遷徙)之行為。 Bunun可說是不斷遷徙的民族,巡行守護著台灣;據現今族人Madadaingaz(長老、智者)的說法,Mai-asang是目前所知最早Bunun對於居住地域之稱呼,此稱呼約於16世紀被Bunun使用,面積範圍為現在之西部平原,而直到當代,布農族仍在遷徙。Bunun在Mai-asang居住一段很長的時間後,因外族移民至此,約於17世紀中、末,族人開始向東部及南部移動,迨國民政府遷臺期間,族人於這段期間遷移之路徑,較廣泛被討論者,通稱「八通關日據越嶺道」(以下簡稱八通關越嶺道)。 本文為了呈現在地歷史的主體性,突破以西方與漢民族為主的學術論述的框架,避免受到現有文獻歷史觀的影響,企圖從在地觀點探究布農族在八通關越嶺道的歷史,先從訪談曾經居住過該區域的耆老,藉由製作部落地圖的過程,紀錄耆老們紀憶中八通關日據越嶺道的原聚落風貌、文化歷史、傳統建築空間等,並實際查訪探勘舊社部落,得出完整歷史資料初探之後,再與現有相關文獻進行相互比較,提出符合真正曾經在八通關區域居住者的在地觀點,還原布農族對於八通關舊社地域名稱,此除了加強族群自我認同,一方面可將台灣置身於民族自決的世界浪潮中,創造台灣躋身聯合國的有利條件與環境。


ABSTRACT Bunun, or more precisely, Taimidadaq tu Bunun is one of the tribes of the Aborigines in Taiwan. In Bunun language, Taimidadaq tu Bunun refers to the people live in this land. Migration (“linahaban” in Bunun language) is an established custom in Bunun history (“palihabasan” in Bunun language). Reasons pertained to migration include both external and internal causes. External causes may be, for example, invasion of the foreign tribe or political concerns. Internal causes may be economic concerns such as land insufficiency resulted from population growth, or convention philosophy suggesting “never cultivating in the same land repeatedly, otherwise the land would get barren and thus the crops would be unfruitful. Therefore, Bunun is a tribe of continuously migration that circuits around Taiwan. According to the Bunun elders (“madadaingaz” in Bunun language), the residential area has been referred to as mai-asang since the 16th century. In the 16th century, mai-asang covered most of the western plain and the Bunun people had been migrating within that area ever since. Around the middle of the 17th century, the Bunun people have started to migrate eastward and southward under the pressure of the foreign tribes colonizing in the western plain. The most well-known migration path in the last two centuries is the Batonggua Trail. This research aims to investigate the original aspect and migration process of the Bunun people in Batonggua community from Bunun people’s viewpoint. The writer first interviewed the Bunun elders who actually lives/lived in the Batonggua community and then illustrated the community map according to the interviews along with field trip invetigations so as to reconstruct the original aspects and the traditional architectures in the Batonggua community. Afterward, reference is made to the existing literature. In the end, the writer proposed a model illustrating the original aspects in the Batonggua community from the view of native liver therein. Besides, many aboriginal toponyms are recorded from the interview. By doing so, the self-identification of aborigines in Taiwan can be improved and hence they are not left behind the world-wide wave of self-determination.


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