  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Repatriation Assistance, Job Satisfaction, Family Situation, and Career Development-A Study on Expatriation of Government Department

指導教授 : 黃子玲


自政府開放海外投資政策以來,許多的跨國企業組織不僅需面對海外派遣人員的管理問題,回任問題也逐漸成為國際人力資源管理的重要議題。然當今全球面臨快速變遷與高度不確定性環境下,及政府施政環境日益複雜,政府機關如何提升回任者的工作滿意度,以有效強化台灣國際競爭力,是當前政府的一項重大挑戰。有鑑於國際人力資源管理之研究眾多,但在國際人力資源管理的回任議題探討甚少,對回任的生涯發展敍述亦不多見,並缺乏有系統的研究,且中央政府機關依功能性與任務特性不同,分別派有駐外人員,而實際有關政府機關駐外人員回任管理之文獻及研究有限。因此將針對政府機關,探討回任者有關在回任協助、工作滿意、家庭成員及生涯發展等構面因素間的影響。 本研究將以政府某一機關曾經接受駐外回任者為母體,便利抽取180員回任者,以問卷方式進行資料收集,計回收有效問卷105份,並透過迴歸分析等統計方法來做實證分析。研究彙整結果如下: 一、回任協助與工作滿意有顯著相關 二、回任協助與家庭因素有顯著相關 三、回任協助與生涯發展部份顯著相關 四、工作滿意與家庭因素部份顯著相關 五、工作滿意與生涯發展有顯著相關 六、家庭因素與生涯發展有顯著相關


Abstract Since our government freed up the overseas investment policy, many international enterprises have faced the management problems of expatriated employees. In addition, repatriated problems have gradually become an important issue of international human resource management. However, as the world is changing fast and indefinitely, how to increase job satisfaction of repatriates and efficiently intensify Taiwan international competence for competitive advantage has become an important challenge. It is found that there are many studies about international human resource management, but only very few of them are about repatriation. Needless to say, very few researchers evaluate the issues about the career development and repatriation management for public servants. Accordingly, the study will discuss how repatriation assistance, job satisfaction, family members and career development influence on repatriates. Repatriates were selected from one government institute as research subjects for convenient sampling and altogether effective 105 copies were return. Finally, the researcher applied regression analysis to obtain the results. The results found in this study are as follows: 1. Repatriation assistance is positively related to job satisfaction. 2. Repatriation assistance is positively related to family situation. 3. Repatriation assistance is partly positively related to career development. 4. Job satisfaction is partly positively related to family situation. 5. Job satisfaction is positively related to career development. 6. Family situation is positively related to career development.


趙必孝(1998),我國企業駐外回任人員的人力資源管理與組織投入因果關係之研究,管理學報,第15卷第3 期。
