  • 學位論文

損耗性產品在VMI 條件下之二階整合供應 鏈利潤分享策略

VMI and profit sharing strategy for two level deteriorating items supply chain

指導教授 : 黃惠民


由於近來全球化、自由化與資訊科技進步的趨勢,商場上的競爭已不再是企 業個體對個體,而是轉變為供應商與零售商結合而成的供應鏈與供應鏈間的競 爭。為了提昇整體供應鏈的競爭力,供應鏈上下游必須合作來有效管理存貨,使 得存貨及成本減少,且增進供應鏈的利潤。供應商管理存貨(vendor managed inventory, VMI)為新興的供應鏈管理方式,可有效解決供應鏈成員之間的存貨問 題。 本研究考慮二階層供應鏈,單一供應商與多個零售商,和單一產品,利用Dong and Xu (2002)所建構的供應鏈管理模式與VMI 模式。此外,原作者只考慮零售商擁有較大 權利的情形,本研究考量雙方權利相同時,以利潤的角度來觀察採用VMI 後對於存貨 成本的影響,接著重新尋找最適合VMI訂購策略。


VMI 存貨管理 供應鏈 損耗性產品


The advancements in globalization, liberalization, and Information Technology (IT) have changed the relationships between the supplier and the retailer. They need to fully integrated in order to compete in the fast changing environment. In order to improve the competitiveness of the supply chain, companies should consider integrating their inventory systems. This will reduce stock increase the profit of the supply chain. Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is one of the modern methods to reduce inventory along supply chain. By using VMI, the overstocking problem between members of supply chain can be reduced significantly. In our research, we consider a single-product two-echelon supply chain with a single supplier and muti-buyers. From to the supply chain management model of Dong and Xu (2002), we extend it to consider VMI with quantity account. Unlike Dong and Xu who considered that the retailer as the leader; we consider the supplier and the retailer as equal. We analyze the influence of applying VMI on inventory cost and compare the results of our model with Dong and Xu’s.


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