  • 學位論文

綠色產品開發流程之Six Sigma整合模式

The integrated of Six Sigma and Green Products Development Process

指導教授 : 楊錦洲




The increasing emphasis on environmental protection has forced firms in substantially all industries to implement environmental management systems and to produce green products. The activities of environmental management and green production have to be as far as possible to minimize the detrimental environmental impacts of a firm processes and products throughout their life-cycle. However, the question of how to evaluate the green control activities such efforts is an important issue in all industries. The present research addresses this problem by using a literature review and an expert panel to develop a proposed framework for environmental management activities based on “Six Sigma”. After the performance evaluation system for the environmental management and green production is developed. The study adopts the expert interview and questionnaire survey for the industries in order to understand the cognitive importance and implementation situation of the green control activities of firms in Taiwan. From the analytic results of the questionnaire survey, we also address the improvement areas of the green control activities for the industries. Finally, we use the tool of performance evaluation matrix to analyze the implementation performance on the practices of environmental management and address the items to be improved.


杜瑞澤(2002)。產品生命週期之綠色設計評估模式-以筆記型電腦為例。Journal of Da-Yeh University, 11( 2 ), 29-38。
