  • 學位論文


Method of Remodeling the Lighting System in the Permanent Exhibition Under the Same Lighting Interpreting Conditions

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋


展示場域中的照明設計與一般辦公空間、教室、體育設施與住宅照明設計不同之處,在於展示照明常須配合策展人對展示物件、展示空間、展示情境的詮釋,間或有戲劇性、強調性、個別化或情境化的設計表現。照明此時扮演的角色,不僅只提供一種物理性、技術性「量」的滿足,更提供一種氛圍與意境詮釋「質」的滿足。因此,在21世紀永續發展、節能省碳趨勢下,更動既有常設展的照明系統,常引起博物館人員,尤其是策展人的極度擔憂。因為,他們深怕苦心經營所得的情境詮釋效果,在照明系統更換後,失去原欲表現在物件上及空間中的特殊效果。然而,在節能減碳的永續趨勢與政府「585白熾燈汰換計畫」推動下,展示空間的照明更新卻又箭在弦上不得不發。因此,如何協助博物館人員,在不破壞原有展示照明情境下,進行既有常設展中照明系統的更新,成了當今首要任務,也成了本研究之動機與目的。本研究主要研究方法為燈光模擬實驗;主要應用軟體為Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010;主要實驗對象為AR-70及7款LED燈;主要實驗場域為中原大學校史室大事紀時光廊之情境展示。主要研究結果為:1.同一展示照明情境之6項主要影響因子;2. Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010軟體為展示照明更新之可靠模擬分析工具;3.在7款LED燈具中,Emanon(RGB)為最接近傳統鹵素燈AR-70之照明燈具;4.在不考慮演色性之缺點下,LED燈之節能效益將可為既有展示空間節省74%之能源消耗。


Lighting design in exhibition halls differs from that of offices, classrooms, sports facilities, or residence. Exhibitions lighting must comply with curators’ interpretation of how exhibits are portrayed within the exhibition environment. These portrayals are at times dramatic, unique, and presenting a specific emphasis or scenery. In such cases, the role of lighting is to provide “quantitative” satisfaction of physical and technical requirements, as well as to create “qualitative” satisfaction through atmospheric and situational interpretation. With 21st century trends toward sustainable development and energy saving, modification of current lighting systems has caused museum staff worried. In particular, curators are deeply concerned that their painstaking efforts to reveal the special attributes of the exhibits, as well as the space they inhabit, may be in vain. The trend to preserve energy by reducing carbon emissions, and the Government’s “585 Incandescent Lamp Replacement Plan” initiated the enforcement of modification to lighting in exhibition halls. Coordinating museum staff in the upgrading of existing lighting systems within exhibition halls, without degrading the original lighting environment has recently become a high priority. This is also the motivation and purpose of this study. We conducted a number of experiments in lighting simulation, using Autodesk 3ds Max Design, 2010. The main light sources in the study were traditional AR-70 (halogen) lights and seven models of LED light. As our main research site, we chose the Chronicles Corridor of the History Archive Gallery in the Chung Yuan Christian University. The results of the study are as follows: 1) There are six main impact factors of lighting regarding the modification to lighting in exhibition halls; 2. Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 software was a reliable tool for simulation and analysis of exhibition lighting upgrades; 3) Among the seven models of LED lights, Emanon (RGB) was the closest to traditional halogen lights; 4) Regardless of the shortcomings in color rendering, the energy efficiency of LED lighting allowed for a 74% savings in energy consumption.


The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (1994),《CIBSE Code for Interior Lighting》,U. K.:London。


