  • 學位論文


The Development of the Alimony System in Taiwan: A Critical Assessment

指導教授 : 李立如


中文摘要 隨著社會的變遷與離婚率的提升,贍養費議題逐漸受到重視。我國於民法第1057條設置贍養費制度,以保障離婚後經濟弱勢一方之生活。本論文之問題意識,在討論贍養費規定是否達到保障離婚後經濟弱勢配偶之目的? 依贍養費之規定,裁判離婚之配偶需為無過失之一方,並構成生活陷於困難之要件始得請求贍養費。兩願離婚者僅可依雙方之贍養費約定,請求履行契約,並無民法第1057條之適用。贍養費判決的作成,受到法院的認定標準與態度所影響,由於法院認為贍養費是夫妻義務之延長,通常不願被請求人因給付贍養費而影響離婚後之新生活,故減少請求人主張之數額,因此贍養費制度所發揮之功能似乎有限。 本文希望藉由贍養費議題之討論達成二個目的。第一,透過司法判決的搜集與分析,說明現行贍養費制度的運作情況。第二,根據實務資料的探討,檢討我國贍養費制度之缺失,進而提出未來改革之建議。 依據本文之研究結果,本文認為贍養費之意義應包含肯定夫妻於婚姻存續中之貢獻與夫妻扶養義務之延長。依此思考脈絡可幫助離婚後經濟弱勢之配偶,尤其是從事家務勞動者,於離婚後能藉由贍養費之給付,解決經濟上貧困之問題,避免法院只基於夫妻扶養義務延長之考量,而減少贍養費數額之情況。最後,本文對贍養費制度之改革提出三項建議:第一為廢除過失要件;第二增列兩願離婚之適用;第三為明定贍養費要件判斷與數額考量因素。


Abstract As the divorce rate rises with the change of the society, the issue of alimony has gradually received more and more attention. The Civil Code Article 1057 creates the alimony system in order to provide necessary support for the dependent spouse after divorce. This study has two research goals. First, it aims to illustrate the operation of the current alimony system through collecting and analyzing judicial decisions. The second goal is to point out the weakness of the alimony system and provide suggestions for future reform. The alimony system seems to have the following problems. Based on the Civil Code, only the innocent spouse who is not able to support him/herself after judicial divorce can request alimony. However, Article 1057 can not apply to the cases of consensual divorce. In addition, since the court regards alimony as the continuity of marriage obligation, the amount of alimony granted by the courts is rather samll. As a result, the insufficient amount of alimony may not support the dependent spouse. This study suggests the court to consider each spouse’s contribution to the marriage when determining the awarding of alimony. This is especially important for the househusbands/housewives who need financial assistance after divorce. Moreover, the author urges the following amendments to be made. First, the alimony system should abolish the fault element. Second, the Civil Code Article 1057 should apply to consensual divorce. Third, the Civil Code should provide guidelines for the courts to determine the amount of alimony.


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