  • 學位論文


The Curriculum Study of Education for Taiwanese Architects in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century

指導教授 : 胡寶林


摘 要 在瞬息萬變,國際間互動頻繁的現代,各地區或文化之間的差異與抽象距離愈來愈縮短的當下,建築師實踐建築行為的本質則愈來愈複雜,這個行業的市場壓力也愈來愈競爭。在WTO、APEC、GPA等世界規則之下,故步自封的鎖國或保護政策勢不可行,國際間在專業上的互相認可及互惠行為才是箭在弦上的當務之急。教育部、建築相關的學會、公會、社團組織逐漸意識到這個關鍵時刻,也慢慢啟動建築教改的機制。因此,本研究期望瞭解目前的高等建築教育在教什麼,也想標明出其主軸課程架構的特質,因而有兩個研究動機︰﹙1﹚台灣的高等建築教育,各校之間有沒有一個共通的主軸課程架構?﹙2﹚國內的建築師養成教育課程,能夠應付本世紀的變遷嗎?全台灣11所學校中之13個建築系﹙組﹚提供了指向建築師考試應考資格畢業生的建築高等教育。本研究從這幾所建築系的課程資料中之出版文宣、摺頁、簡介或系所評鑑報告,以及校方教務處的官方網站歸類比對,加上與授課者或教育行政者的觀察互動、訪談,以及所有課程都被拿來分析,經過編碼程序,將所有課程的學分數重新分配進同一架構平台中,依國內外數個教育標準來擬定之課程架構,共含7大類別、29門科目、168項能力指標。分析程序係由各校在此架構中反映出來的各類課程比重配比,透過電腦程式運算,與當今世界兩大經濟體﹙美國、中國﹚所採用之建築學程標準做卡方適合度檢定,又與焦點團體及深度訪談內容分析出的概念做交叉印證,因而得知台灣目前的高等建築教育的確有一共通的主軸課程,且其主軸依舊指向培育建築師的傳統目標。雖然如此,依各校傾向程度的不同,在面對國際專業挑戰時,台灣的高等建築教育仍可分成(1)國際接軌型、(2)具體而微型、(3)多元特色型、(4)建築從業型等四種類型,各有不同層面的特質潛力及發展方向。在台灣目前所處的世界情勢及大環境中,建築業界及學界正啟動學歷標準訂定機制,加速與國際接軌,冀求達到互認互惠的境地。預測本研究可以在這時機點上,貢獻出一個足以審慎評估國內建築課程的大平台,描繪出本世紀理想建築師養成課程的著眼點,加入為脫離台灣建築文化邊陲地位,有機會崛起於建築世界舞台此願景而做的一切努力當中。


Abstract During this ever-changing stage, the international interaction and shortened distance by newly developed cultural and new technology has made the profession of architects complicated. Under the circumstance of WTO, APE and GPA, it is necessary to have a more rapid movement toward reciprocity. The Ministry of Education, architectural associations, institute of architects and architectural organizations start to pay attention to architectural education reform at this critical moment. Thus, this study tends to realize what has been taught in higher architectural education and labels the characteristics of the core curriculum. Two research questions have been raised: (1) Is there any core curriculum in the higher architectural education in Taiwan? (2) Could the curriculum of Taiwan for educating architects face the changing challenge of this era? There are 11 schools having 13 programs to offer higher architectural education through which students can be qualified for attending Architect License Examination. This study collected curriculum information of the entire programs through paper document, pamphlets, evaluation reports, official web sites and observation/interview of teachers. After coding each course, all the credits of courses are redistributed into the competency framework for comparing. The framework includes 7 areas, 29 courses and 168 competency descriptors. All of the programs are compared with NCARB Education Standard which has been adopted by two big economics—U.S. and China to accredit their own and mutual professional architectural degrees. Through the analysis by Chi-Square Goodness of Fit and interviews with experienced architectural administrators and architects, this study found out that there is a core curriculum in the higher architectural education of Taiwan and keeping bearing the responsibility of educating architects though not outspoken by any program. With the same goal, these programs still show different interest to architectural education: (1) Being potential to international environment. (2) Same as type 1 but with smaller scale and capability. (3) Ability of variety. (4) Architectural profession related. This study tends to contribute to a better method to evaluate the current architectural curriculum in order to assist architectural education reform towards an international standard.


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