  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Conceptual Change of Burning for Sixth-Grade Students

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究目的在於探討「問題本位學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)對六年級學童「燃燒」概念之學習成效、概念改變與學習保留成效的影響。本研究採準實驗設計,以桃園縣某國小六年級的二個班級為研究對象,其中一班為實驗組施以PBL教學,班級人數為33人;另一班為對照組,以講述式教學方式進行,班級人數為32人。本研究為期五週,共17堂課,所使用的研究工具為「燃燒迷思概念二階層診斷測驗」以及「半結構式晤談表」,量化資料收集自教學前施測「燃燒迷思概念二階層診斷測驗」之前測得分、教學後一週內施測相同測驗所得之後測得分及教學一個月後施測相同測驗所得之延宕測驗得分進行單因子共變數分析,再以半結構式晤談、錄影觀察及學生學習檔案所收集之質性資料作為輔助。 本研究結果發現,在概念學習成效方面,實施PBL在「燃燒」概念的學習成效上顯著優於講述式教學,另外由晤談資料顯示,學童以實驗證明的方式進行成果展示,對於「燃燒」概念學習具有提升效果。在概念改變方面,實施PBL可使「燃燒」概念更趨科學概念的概念改變效果優於講述式教學,且降低另有概念「多樣性」與「頑強性」的效果亦優於講述式教學。在概念學習保留成效方面,實施PBL在「燃燒」概念學習保留成效上顯著優於講述式教學,且學童於成果展示階段以實驗方式進行,對概念學習保留具有提升效果,而實施講述式教學則容易顯現學童另有概念「不穩定」的特性。 據此,PBL不僅可提升「燃燒」概念的學習成效與保留成效,並可促進另有概念轉變為科學概念,降低另有概念「多樣性」與「頑強性」的特性,學童於成果展示階段以實驗證明方式進行更具提升效果,所以建議多加以應用於教學。


The purpose of this study was to explore the influence on Problem-based learning(PBL) to the conceptual change of burning for sixth-grade students. A quasi-experimental design was employed in this study. Two classes of sixth-grade of an elementary school in Tau-yang country was selected to be the research sample which were divided into the experimental group(n=32)and the control group(n=31). PBL was used to be instruction model for the experimental group while the control group received regular lecture instruction. The teaching lasted 5 weeks and 17 class sessions were included. Two research instruments “two-tier diagnostic instrument of misconceptions about burning“ and semi-structured interview outline were employed before and after teaching for two groups. Before teaching, the two groups tested by “two-tier diagnostic instrument of misconceptions about burning“. After instruction, two groups tested by “Two-tier diagnostic instrument of misconceptions about burning” in a week. Furthermore, one month after instruction, students took a deferred achievement assessment of “two-tier diagnostic instrument of misconceptions about burning“. The quantitative analysis method included one-way ANCOVA of “two-tier diagnostic instrument of misconceptions about burning“ while the qualitative data was to analyze the interview content and learning portfolios of the learners. The result showed that, on the conceptual learning, PBL group obtained significantly higher conceptual learning gains than the traditional group. On the conceptual change, PBL group has better performance on the conceptual change of burning and PBL has better result to reduce “ variety “ and “dogged“ characteristic on alternative conceptions. On the performance of the deferred test, PBL group obtained significantly higher on lasting effect of conceptual learning gains than the traditional group. The interview content revealed that, PBL group used experiment on the achievement shows stage could improve conceptual learning. In view of the above, PBL is suitable for conceptual change of burning.


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吳小惠(2013)。國小科學教師實施問題本位學習 的困難及因應策略〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300586
