  • 學位論文


Chung Yuan Christian University Department of Architecture Studio Comfort impact study

指導教授 : 謝統勝


根據美國太空總署的相關報告中指出,地球溫度從1940開始呈現正向的溫度差異,而且差異幅度也越來越大,為了因應室內氣溫逐漸升高的現象,我們大多採用空調系統來維持室內環境的舒適,然而過度使用空調系統的後果卻使都市熱島效應加劇,也與我國近年所推行的綠建築政策背道而馳;因此,採用自然通風的方式用以降低空調造成的能源負荷也就格外重要。 就中原大學建築學系的學生來說,長時間待在工作室中進行設計、創作、討論與製作模型等等需要大量集中力的事務,工作室內環境舒適程度是否能滿足使用者的需求,也就成為了必須解決的課題;不良的室內舒適環境會使學生的工作效率、健康甚至安全產生影響。本研究將針對中原大學建築學系中,採用自然通風且供學生長時間使用的工作室,將一樓及二樓工作室進行室內環境舒適度優劣之比較,透過實地測量的方法記錄當下室內溫度,再利用問卷調查的方式比較出中原大學建築學系一、二樓新舊配置的舒適程度,探討相同空間下不同平面配置的差異。 論文內容共分六章,第一章為緒論,包括研究動機與目的、研究限制與流程;第二章為文獻回顧,蒐集整理國內、外室內舒適度相關資料作為參考;第三章為研究方法,找出符合本次研究的方法理論並整理;第四章為研究過程與紀錄主要是以問卷調查方式調查學生之主觀舒適感受,同時用儀器量測環境物理因子參數,以作為室內舒適度評估的依據;第五研究結果與分析,彙整並分析問卷及儀器量測之室內各項參數後,利用相關性統計分析方法,比較出受訪者可接受之舒適溫度及喜好因子;第六章為結論與建議,將前章的分析,統整出本研究的各項結論,提供同屬性的空間內學生座位編排及教室重建參考資訊。


熱舒適 環境評價 滿意度


Students of Chung Yuan Christian University Department of Architecture spend long time in the studio to design, create, discuss and produce models, so they require a lot of concentration and comfortable indoor environments, which has become a topic that must be addressed. Poor indoor environments may affect students’ work efficiency, health and safety impacts. In this study, Chung Yuan Christian University the Department of Architecture will compare the first and second floor studio by the comfort level of the indoor environment using natural ventilation for prolonged use of the studio. Using the current indoor temperature records through field measurement method and re-use surveys to research the comfort level of the first and second floor and to explore the differences of the different layouts in the same space at Chung Yuan Christian University the Department of Architecture. The contents of this study are divided into six chapters. Chapter I introduces research motivation and purpose, and research restrictions and processes. Chapter II literature review to globally collect the outdoor the indoor comfort level related information as a reference. Chapter III is the research method, which is to find the suitable theory for this study. Chapter IV estimates the indoor comfort level according to the research of the comfort level of students mainly bases on questionnaire surveys with instruments to measure environmental physical factor parameters. Chapter V is result and analysis. Compile and analyze the questionnaire and the measurement of the instrument interior of the parameters using the correlation statistical analysis methods to compare the comfort temperature acceptable by the respondents and preference factors. Chapter VI is the conclusion of this study using the analysis from the previous chapter, and to provide reference information for student seating arrangements and classroom reconstruction within the space of the same attributes.


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