  • 學位論文


An Enhanced Competitive Intelligence System based on Formal Concept Analysis

指導教授 : 戚玉樑




Competitive intelligence is the spontaneous collection of external information about enterprises including competitors, industry environment and competitiveness in the market through the assistance from information technology under the ethical standard and legal regulations in order to help the enterprise decision-maker understand its industry environment and changes in the market, so that it can make quick and correct decisions to maintain and strengthen enterprise competitiveness. Competitive intelligence system requires the cooperation among the three fields of departments in the organization, competence and external public information to deliver competitive intelligence to the corresponding department competence and further support the decision making for the upper management in the enterprise. Formal concept analysis was applied to analyze knowledge concepts in the three fields of departments in the organization, competence and external public information and establish the ontology for the three fields. Through ontology, the relationship between field knowledge and concepts was clearly expressed and the knowledge base for the three fields was built. With SWRL Semantic Rule, the relationship between competence and external public information was defined and a capability competitive intelligence system with the ability of inference was established to correctly deliver news to each organizational department and competence in time. Through risk matrix, the feedback and weight of each related decision-making department was coordinated. The competitive intelligence system was extended to the stage of decision making and the support provided by this system to decision-making was enhanced.


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尹其言 (2011)。以競爭智慧觀點支援企業高階主管決策之研究。未出版博士論文,國立政治大學資訊管理研究所,台北市。


