  • 學位論文


Curatorial and spatial design studies of the fashion show

指導教授 : 黃慶輝


時尚服裝產業藉由舉辦一場服裝秀,利用伸展台及模特兒發表新品,同時吸引媒體版面並取得廣告宣傳,並且奠定在相關產業上的獨特風格形象,但是現今極少專門科目或職業專攻服裝秀場。本研究將討論室內設計師如何策劃製作服裝秀場及執行服裝秀空間設計。在規劃設計一場服裝秀時,策展人必須詮釋服裝設計師所要表達的環境情境並同時結合當季時尚新品,完成設計一場成功的服裝發表秀。本研究的目的從服裝秀場起源、服裝秀組織與策劃、秀場管理、舞台、燈光、音響設計、場地空間規劃、動線安排、觀眾坐席空間及模特兒走秀動線等做為分析研究重點,試圖整理出服裝秀場組織讓室內設計師了解秀場核心知識,並且能主導一場服裝秀成為策展人。研究對象分為國外非正式秀場場地-miu miu 2011秋冬女裝發表及國內正式秀場場地-實踐大學2012服裝設計學系畢業展兩個個案,研究方法利用個案研究法,實際參與觀察及利用既有文獻探討分析服裝秀場組織規劃,並且分別以環境特性及場地空間型態加以分析秀場空間設計。室內設計師可以利用此研究分析出的組織架構,了解服裝秀場組織並跨領域參與策劃一場正式服裝秀,成功的使觀賞人感受到秀場環境設計和服裝整體達到一致性及完整度。


室內設計師 流行 服裝秀 時尚 伸展台


Fashion garment industry by organizing a fashion show runway and modeling their new attract media forum and to obtain advertising, and laid the foundation in related industries, the unique style of image, but today very few specialized subjects or professional specializing in fashion shows and field. This study will discuss how the interior designers planning the production of fashion shows and games and executive fashion show space. In the planning and design of a fashion show, the curator must interpretation of the fashion designer wants to express the environmental situation and at the same time combined with the season's new fashion, completed the design of a successful fashion shows show. The purpose of this study show the origin of clothing, fashion show organization and planning, show management, stage, lighting, sound design, site and space planning, moving line arrangements, audience seating space model which serves to move the line as the analysis of focus trying to organize a fashion show field organization for interior designers to understand the core knowledge of the show, and can lead a fashion show to become a curator. The subjects were divided into two cases of foreign informal show venues-miu miu 2011 Winter Women's Post and the official show site - Shih Chien University, 2012 fashion design school graduate development, research methods to use the case study method, the actual participant observation and use of the existing literature analysis of the fashion show organizational planning, analysis of show space design and the environmental features and site spatial patterns. Interior designers can take advantage of this study to analyze the organizational structure, to understand the organization of fashion shows and field and cross-cutting involved in planning a formal fashion show, the viewer feel the show field of environmental design and clothing as a whole to achieve consistency and integrity.


interior designers catwalk fashion popular fashion show






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