  • 學位論文


Kinect-based upper limb rehabilitation system to assist people with cerebral palsy-a case study approach

指導教授 : 張耀仁


腦性麻痺兒童需要長期進行肢體復健,以促進神經發育,目前商用復健產品不易客製化,且價格過於昂貴,非公立特教學校所能負擔。於是本研究欲利用微軟開發的Kinect體感科技,搭配影像辨識技術,創造一套適用於腦麻者之復健系統。 傳統上,物理治療師協助學生復健時,往往都要在其身上裝設感應器以得知小朋友關節活動情形,但由於復健過程需要不時移動肢體,感應器的存在反而會造成肢體運動時的障礙。本系統創新之處在於利用體感技術,解決配戴感應器造成的不便,並且透過即時影像處理,偵測學生肢體移動軌跡,以判斷復健動作是否確實。而對於物理治療師而言,省去協助復健前需耗時裝設感應器,亦可讓治療師於有限課堂時間內協助更多的小朋友進行復健,幫助身障孩童盡速恢復生理機能。並透過系統的記錄,讓治療師掌握每位學生每次的復健情形,進而調整下一次的復健目標,讓復健進度的規畫更佳的有效率。


Children with cerebral palsy (CP) must undergo long-term physical rehabilitation to enhance neural development. Currently, commercial rehabilitation products cannot be customized and are expensive; consequently, public special-education schools generally cannot afford purchasing these products. This study employs the Kinect somatosensory technology developed by Microsoft and image identification technology to create a rehabilitation system applicable for people with CP. By adopting somatosensory technology, this system mitigates the inconvenience of wearing sensors. Furthermore, through real-time image processing, the system detects the physical motion trajectories of students to determine whether correct movements are being performed during rehabilitation activities.


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