  • 學位論文


Bayesian Analysis of Type I Interval Censored Data from Generalized Exponential Distribution Using WinBUGS

指導教授 : 林余昭


這篇論文中, 我們同時使用R與WinBUGS軟體來研究廣義指數型一區間設限資料之統計分析。在貝氏統計的架構下, 若先驗分布不為共軛時, 型一區間設限資料之模型後驗分布通常無法以一般的微分方法求得參數估計值, 貝氏參數估計常用馬可夫鏈蒙地卡羅方法(Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, 簡稱 MCMC 演算法)來求得。 常見統計的軟計軟體SAS 和SPSS無法執行貝氏分析, 然而MCMC 演算法在計算後驗分布非常複雜, 使用者常常得自行寫低階程式作貝氏分析, 這樣的程式訓練要求對一般統計分析人員太高, 我們因此考慮應用WinBUGS執行貝氏分析。 WinBUGS是一個免費的統計軟體, 安裝與操作也不太難, 它可省略很多低階程式上的步驟, 在作Gibbs抽樣或應用 ( M-H Algorithm )時, 我們只要指定模型的概似函數與參數的先驗分布。WinBUGS 官方網站有很詳細的安裝步驟、實用工具、相關論文、各式各樣的外接程序軟體、課程材料。安裝包裡面有手冊供給使用者學習, 裡面有詳細的文件、指導、範例供給使用者了解, 對一般統計使用者而言, 很快就可以得心應手。 在本研究分析中, 由於WinBUGS無法作一般模擬, 我們首先以R軟體來模擬出常態隨機樣本, 藉以說明WinBUGS的操作步驟並比較數理估計值以驗證其分析的正確性。最後, 我們用廣義指數型一區間設限之貝氏分析進行研究並且討論。


In this paper, we use the software R and WinBUGS to analyze the type I interval censored data from generalized exponential distribution. Under the Gibbs sampling scheme, the Bayesian analysis with complicated prior parameter information is usually not easy for the common statistical software, such as SAS and SPSS, is infeasible. Bayesians have to write their own programs to estimate the parameters of interest by constructing the Monte Carlo Markov chains (MCMC) of interested parameters. WinBUGS is relatively friendly software to analyze data using Bayesian statistics. It omits the calculation complexity of the posterior distribution when the Gibbs sampling and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are applied; the users suffice to specify the likelihood of the data and the prior distributions of parameters. With rich documents at WinBUGS official website, statisticians can learn it in a short time. In this study, we first use R software to simulate a random sample of normal variates and apply WinBUGS to analyze the sample. An example with conjugate priors yields to the similar estimates the maximum likelihood based estimates are derived. Also, detailed how-to steps of WinBUGS operations and data manipulation are covered. Lastly, we apply WinBUGS to type I interval censoring data under generalized exponential distribution.


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