  • 學位論文


The contrustion of the key quality control items based on TS16949

指導教授 : 周永燦


汽車製造商要求所有供應商都要通過汽車產業認證系統(TS16949),TS16949與同樣是品質認證系統的ISO-9000在要求的項目中有許多差異,其中最明顯的不同是TS16949要求被認證公司的流程中需包含五大核心工具:先期產品設計與開發(Advanced Product Quality Planning, APQP)、失效模式效應與分析( Failure Mode & Effect Analysis, FMEA)、量測系統分析( Measurement System Analysis, MSA)、統計製程管制 (Statistical Process Control, SPC)及生產性零組件核准程序(Production Part Approval Process, PPAP)。藉由這五大核心工具來確保零組件在先期的設計、生產、檢驗與大量生產中都能有系統的控制品質。   而公司在導入五大核心工具時,常會發現這五大核心工具中會發生以下問題:1. FMEA產出的重要項目應進行哪些管理尚未確認。2. 不知道那些儀器需要進行MSA。3. 不清楚是否所有的製程項目都需要使用SPC來監控。   因此本研究在TS16949的架構下以偏光產業為例,使用五大核心工具來建立設計開發流程架構,定義出設計開發各階段的管理重點,及運用關連圖的分析方法,從五大核心工具中找到製程中的特殊特性(Special Characteristics),希望經由特殊特性來達成下列事項: 1.FMEA產出的重要項目能使用特殊特性來標示,並串連到管制計畫中。 2.定義出特殊特性是由那些文件中制訂而成。 3.說明特殊特性需展開到那些文件中以及必須執行那些動作。 4.特殊特性該如何管理以及新增或變更時的作業流程。 期望能建立一個流程來串連先期的產品設計重點、生產時的失效模式管理、儀器檢驗的正確性與量產的製程能力分析來作為本研究的貢獻。


Automotive producers require their suppliers to be TS16949 certified. There are many differences between TS16949 and ISO-9000 quality systems, and the chief difference is that the participated companies need to use 5 core tools in their TS16949 process flow: APQP, FMEA, MSA, SPC and PPAP. The participators need to use these core tools to make sure that all the components and products are qualified by the system control in design/development, production, and inspection steps, respectively. When a participator begins to use these 5 core tools, there are some problems confusing them! How to manage important items from FMEA? Which equipments and instruments need to use MSA? And does every production process need to use SPC? My study is to discuss that the polarizer maker used the 5 core tools of the TS16949 system to build up the product design & development sequence, to define the key points of the management in every step of APQP , and to find out the special characteristics from the production process by utilizing the incidence graph to analyze the data. We use these five core tools to find out the information as follows: 1. To be able to mark the important items from FMEA by special characteristics and to combine them with the control plan. 2. To define the special characteristics come from corresponding documents. 3. To describe the special characteristics need to be expanded to corresponding documents and then to execute the corresponding actions. 4. To define the process when we need to add or change the special characteristics. This study provide a practical example of applying the TS16949 system and the 5 core tolls to build up a complete structure and sequence of the product development and production system.


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