  • 學位論文

組織變革之研究 - 調節焦點觀點

The Study on Organization Change – Regulatory Focus Rerspective

指導教授 : 廖本哲


組織變革常因為因應外部大環境的經濟影響與公司內部的組織再造而有所改變,進而對組織有計畫且持續性的變革。員工對此狀況,所做出對工作的態度是影響變革成功與否的關鍵之一。本研究依據研究目的、研究動機及文獻探討所建構的研究架構與衡量問卷,經由統計方法分析,能更進一步了解員工面對組織變革時所產生的不確定感,而當下以何種態度來面對變革後的企業。 本研究以A公司員工為調查對象,且有效問卷共200份。旨在探討員工面對組織變革時,以調節焦點為調節作用,探討組織變革不確定感、組織承諾與員工工作態度的關係究竟如何。 在施測的員工中有部分預期到在組織變革後,員工個人可能因此被資遣或調離原有職務;另外有部分員工預期到變革後,個人現有的生活的方式可能會有所改變,及擔心經常會被要求在規定的時間內,去完成本份內的工作外,另給予額外的工作,且質疑在變革後沒有進修或受訓的機會。 此結果在在顯示員工在面對組織變革上,普遍皆有對變革產生不良的認知與感受。但因為有經濟壓力與家庭因素的雙重原因下,只好表現出積極的態度,好換取一份工作的穩定。由於目前的社會現況中,有許多的企業在進行縮編或組織再造時,成效往往都不如預期。在組織變革的過程,公司變相的進行分階段式的縮減冗員,所以員工面對組織承諾時 一般屬於較消極的態度。 整體而言,員工面對組織變革時的不確定感是存在的,但抱持正面積極的人,仍不受影響,工作態度依然屬於正面。在組織承諾方面,大多數員工依然保持相信企業給予的承諾對公司仍抱有希望,相信公司會妥善的安排。 最後將本研究之結果與研究發現彙整後,將研究結果給予後續研究者與政府相關部門以為建議。


The organizational reform usually happens due to the economic environment effect and the reengineering inside of a company. It causes planned and persistent changes. The attitude of employees is one of the significant factors that influence the results of organizational reform. The study has designed the questionnaires according to the research purposes, research motivation and literature review. The author tried to get deeper understanding of the uncertainty of employees while facing the organizational reform and how they react after the company has been reformed. The study aimed at Acompany in Taiwan and has retrieved 200 effective questionnaires back. The author focused on regulatory focus to discuss the uncertainty of the employees and the relationship between the organizational commitment and the attitude of employees. Some employees have expected that stuff could be laid off or their positions might be changed after organizational reform; others have expected that personal life could be different and thus they were anxious about being told to complete their duties in limited time after organizational reform. Also, employees were worried about no chances for training or on-the-job training after reforming. The result showed that employees didn’t feel good for the reform. However, most employees have the financial pressure and they had to be positive to obtain stable jobs. Nowadays, the effectiveness of the organizational reform in many enterprises is not good as they expected in advance. During the process of organizational reform, the company laid off employees and reduced their salary. Therefore, most employees were negative with regard to reform. Overall, most employees felt uncertain but some were still positive. Besides, most employees were still hopeful for the company commitment. They believed the company would arrange everything well. The author hoped the results of this study can be the reference for our government and the relevant institutions.


郭順成、趙必孝、王喩平、陳榮德(2004),「政府組織再造策略對員工組織承諾與工作投入影響之研究─以精省為例」,人力資源管理學報,春季號,第四卷第一期,頁 1-28。
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