  • 學位論文

藝術教育服務業之創新商業模式 -以音樂教室為例

Business Model Innovation of Art Education - Case of Music Studio

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


由2009年發表之國內十二年一貫的教育改革草案使家長將子女送至藝術教育服務機構學習的意願大幅提升。但隨少子化趨勢的推移,藝術教育補習班的產業競爭更顯激烈,由國內各直轄市之統計數據中皆可觀察到近五年之音樂舞蹈類廠商數大幅下滑;市場縮小;市場淘汰機制明顯,本研究在立案教學項目中也發現,以音樂教育為主之補習班廠商之變動幅度為最大。 本研究之目的有二,(1)搜尋音樂教室業之個案並探討其營運方法及商業模式;(2)透過交叉比對提出音樂教室業者創新型商業模式之建議。由數據之變動幅度統計,本研究之研究範圍以桃園地區為主,依專家建議鎖定主流之西洋古典音樂教室,以專家推薦之古典音樂補習班中選取成立時間為5~10年之廠商2家;超過10年以上之廠商數3家在考量立案數據、時間和地區的變動後,透過半結構式之專家訪談法,將資料交叉比對後分析各廠商在競爭環境下之商業模式與差異,並發展本研究之創新的商業模式,盼能為未來有意進入此產業之廠商提供營運模式上的建議。 本研究由分析之五家音樂教室個案,針對商業模式構面與要素分別進行比對後發現共同之商業模式創新重點要素為「產品或服務」、「收益方式」、「生產要素」及「領導團隊及可利用資源構面」,而本研究也將桃園區音樂教室之訪談個案分類為三大種類(1)以販售樂器為主之大型連鎖樂器行(2)以教學為主要營收之小型樂器行或短期補習班(3)以教學為主且在教學體系或教材做創新之小型樂器行或短期補習班,以本研究提出的三種創新商業模式(A模式:教授樂器簡單化、B模式:策略聯盟及C模式:教授特定曲目與代理比賽)建議做連結。


Since 2009, the reform of education are raised the number of people to attend art education tutoring center in Taiwan. In this 5 year, in those of education centers, music studios are the most sensitively change in art education industries. This study is focus on music studios and investigate how different music studios in Taoyuan City. Through the crossfire analysis, this study will also extend the innovations business model. The propose of this study are divided in two: (1) Searching for the factors of business models and operating patterns of successful cases, (2) Building the innovation business models, and it could be help the new music studios establish in the future. This study uses “Semi-structured Interviews” to analysis 5 music studios cases. Through the Expert advices this research have focus on the type of western classical instrument, and those cases of interview are according from expert choosing 5 music studios in Taoyuan area. Each standard are profiting music studios over 10 years, and short-tern tutoring centers profiting for 5 to10 years. After all the analysis of the cases, this study used the cross-comparison to find the necessary operating factors of Innovative Business models are “products or services”, “income”, “produce factor” and “leaders and usable resources”. In addition, this study archiving “founded time” and “marketing” are two important patterns in music studios industry. In the conclusion, this study divided the music studios patterns to 3 types : (1) Selling instrument of franchise, (2) Traditional teaching class of music studios, (3) Innovation process on teaching system. And there are 3 innovation model:Model A is instruments simply;Model B is strategic alliance and Model C is teaching Specified tracks or competition agency.


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