  • 學位論文


Investigating the Effects of National Cultural Characteristics on Bottom of the Pyramid Consumer’s Behavior

指導教授 : 郭財吉


聯合國在千禧年發展目標中,提出貧窮問題一直是困擾世界經濟與社會發展,因此將消除貧窮列為首要任務。然而,消除貧窮是一項大挑戰,在C.K. Prahalad著作「金字塔底層大商機」中,提出企業發展創新商業模式,提供產品與服務時,不但解決金字塔底層人民日常生活的需求,企業亦可獲得利潤與善盡企業社會責任。近年來,也有一些跨國企業提出解決BOP族群的成功例子,例如寶僑(P&G)、華為通訊等。然而,企業若是延續傳統的產品,因應龐大BOP人口,勢必造成環境嚴重的負擔,因此本研究藉由文獻的探討,分析企業開拓BOP市場之創新商業模式,瞭解BOP族群需求,並提供適合BOP族群的產品設計概念,包括行銷活動、產品可用性、產品永續性、以及創新型財務行銷等四構面。另外,各經濟體的BOP族群在購買產品或服務時,也有可能深受其所在的國家文化特質之影響。因此本研究採用問卷調查法,並利用逐步迴歸以分析各因子間相互關係,探討國家文化特質對BOP族群行為之影響。最後提出可行的建議,期望企業在設計產品與產品開發初期,了解國家文化特質對BOP產品設計之關係,以發展BOP藍海市場,並創造企業的永續競爭力優勢。


Among UN Millennium Development Goals, the elimination of poverty is the first priority. It shows that poverty has been a troublesome issue which bothers the world economy and interface with social development. In C.K. Prahalad book "The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid", which prove that enterprises can provide products or services to solve BOP population daily livind standards make a profit and do corporate social responsibility at the same time. In recent years, some of enterprises are successful, forexample: P&G and Huawei Communication. However, If enterprises still use traditional products, it will cause serious environmental burden. Through extensive research exploring how international business probed and developed BOP markets via reinvented and sustainable business model, this study find that crucial factors such as marketing activities, product availability, product sustainability and innovative financial marketing, help contributing the successes of various creative models of BOP. While consumers purchase and consume product or service, they are deeply influenced by the characteristics of the national culture. Therefore, this study combined with the national cultural characteristics of the BOP population, in order to explore consumer behavior. We use questionnaires to collect data and stepwise regression to analysis the relationships between national cultural characteristics and BOP product design. Final, this study let enterprises understand relationship between national cultural characteristics and the BOP Product Design in the initial product design and early product development. It help enterprises to develop BOP markets under the global competitions, the suggestions should be able to help blend enterprises and their surrounding ecosystem towards sustainable developments and can be utilized as a part of Blue Ocean Strategies that the corporations devote to.


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