  • 學位論文


Applying queuing theory in OEE improvement at a semiconductor factory

指導教授 : 郭財吉


摘要: 在眾多高科技產業中,半導體產業的投資當屬最為鉅大且跨入門檻較高的產業,在個人電腦(PC)成長之80到90年代,動態隨機存取記憶體(DRAM, Dynamic Random Access Memory)製造商的投入相當活躍,而在當時也創下極高的產值。然而,隨著資通訊產業變化劇烈以及商業模式的改變,DRAM需求不如個人電腦發展時代長期穩定,造成資本投資動輒數百億美元擴增新廠的疑慮,導致供需不平衡的現象反覆發生。對DRAM產業來說,新製程的移轉與導入已經成為降低成本的主要手法,而改善生產週期以及提升整體設備效率(OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness),更是在減少投資、降低資本支出下,保有競爭力的重點。因此,本次論文的研究重點就在於如何在極少的資本支出及投資下,可以達到加速生產週期、提升整體設備機台效率的目的,並進而提高產能、降低成本。 本論文運用等候線理論為基礎,分析出可以提升整體設備效率及改善生產週期的方向,並藉由導入於個案公司OEE整體設備效率改善專案的執行,發展並驗證相關成效。包括等候線理論的探討及分析、改善方向與手法、成立OEE改善計畫及過程、導入各項提升改善OEE的手法,以及建立評估跟計算量化的方式,達到改善生產週期、提高產能、降低成本目的。並以個案方式來將本研究之方法實際導入至台灣某半導體公司在DRAM製造生產線上加以驗證,而導入的過程產生的知識(Know-how)不但可改善生產週期,並可用於製程轉換或是技術變更時,在整體設備效率上的提升,或是用於評估內部其他專案推動的管理參考。同時,也期待可提供相關半導體產業於探討改善生產週期或提升整體設備效率時,做為參考與借鏡。


Abstract: The semiconductor manufacture is a capital intensive industry of high barrier for new players to enter. In 1980s and 1990s, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) manufacturers invested considerable capital and created significant revenues with high growth of personal computers (PC). However, since the severely competition of ICT products and the change of the business model, the demand of DRAM sometime rises quickly and sometime drops immediately. The demand of DRAM for ICT product nowadays are not as stable and predictable as that for PC in 1980s and 1990s. The unpredictable demand of DRAM makes manufacturers hesitate to invest building new production lines or foundries so that the imbalance between supply and demand occurs repeatedly in the DRAM market. Therefore, the DRAM manufacturers keep the advantage position at the least capital expanse by increasing the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of the existing equipments. The paper proposes innovative regulations to coordinate departments and manager levels and guide the employees to propose methodologies to increase the productivity and reduce the cost by improving the OEE. The methodologies includes setting up OEE improvement programs, planning the schedules of the OEE improvement programs, introducing approaches to improve OEE, and building evaluation quantification measurements. The methodologies are applied and verified in a case company of the semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan. The know ledges to apply and verify the method are not only benchmarks for OEE improvement when adapting new process or technologies, but also examples or reference of other projects.


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