  • 學位論文


A Study on Self-Learning with Course Interaction in Facebook Group: A Case of Creative Problem Solving Course in General Education

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


在目前台灣的教育體制下,現行的學習環境使用的多是口頭傳述的方式進行教學,在這方式下獲得的知識多是教師直接講授的內容,在這種少有互動的方式之下,往往造成學習者出現被動思考的模式,對所學的課程內容一味死記,不加思考,導致日後碰上日常生活的問題無法將以往所學靈活運用,進而失去對事物臨機應變的能力。 本研究旨在以中原大學資訊管理系使用社群網站輔助進行教學,對於促進學生在學習成效上的影響,以通識程程「創意思解」學生做為本研究對象,成立臉書課程社團進行互動以輔助教學,透過參考專家意見,並蒐集相關研究等多方資料,設計問卷題項內容,以Google表單的方式,張貼連結於臉書課程社團予創意思解學生進行填答,回收有效問卷共65份,其後以ANOVA分析四個構面:學習教材、學習態度、學習平台、學習成效,並藉由分組分析學習成效是否有所提升。研究的結果發現參與越多不同的臉書課程社團中、使用越多時間於瀏覽臉書課程社團以及抱持自我學習為使用原因的情況下,在學習成效的滿意度是有顯著性的,顯示透過臉書課程社團互動確實對於學習成效具有影響力。


In the current education system in Taiwan, the current learning environment using methods described are mostly oral tradition of teaching, knowledge obtained in this way are mostly direct teachers to teach the content in an interactive way under this rare and often resulting in a passive learner thinking pattern appears on course content blindly learned by rote, without thinking, leading to later run into problems of daily life can not be learned in the past applied flexibly, and then lose the ability of things. This study aimed to Chung Yuan Christian University Department of Information Management community website using assisted teaching, the impact on the promotion of student learning outcomes in order to drive away liberal "solution to create meaning" students as subjects of this study, the establishment of societies face book courses interact to aid teaching, through reference to expert opinion, and to gather information on relevant research and other parties to design the questionnaire questions of content to the way Google form, posting links on Facebook to create community programs mean students respondents solution, valid questionnaires A total of 65, followed by ANOVA analysis of four dimensions: learning materials, learning attitude, learning platforms, learning outcomes and learning outcomes are analyzed by grouping has improved. Results of the study found that the more involvement of different societies in the face book course, the more time to browse courses societies face book and hold for the case of self-learning reasons, satisfaction in learning outcomes are significant in nature, display Interactive learning does have an impact on the effectiveness of the course through face book club.


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