  • 學位論文


The Study of Expected Feedback of Gift Giving & Donation Behavior

指導教授 : 張心馨


本研究發現權力地位、送禮行為或捐款行為之間有著異曲同工之妙的關聯,送禮與捐款行為有相當類似的心理動機,從行為表面來看送禮能表達對他人的關心,捐款是一種利他的自願性行為,但過去研究發現這兩種行為中都藏著隱而未現的利己動機,如:成就感、滿足感,雖然先前學者已經針對送禮與捐款行為進行相關之研究,卻很少將兩者相提並論。   本研究將以此為基點來探討權力地位分別對送禮行為與捐款行為之預期回饋程度是否具影響效果。研究結果顯示:(一)人們送禮行為的預期回饋程度會因權力地位高低而有所不同,且權力感愈高則送禮預期回饋程度愈高。(二)人們捐款行為的預期回饋程度會因權力地位高低而有所不同,且權力感愈高則捐款預期回饋程度愈高。


The study finds the same correction between the power status and gift-giving/ donation behavior. Gift-giving behavior seems to express concern for others, and donation implies for doing it on my own free will. However, several research found the hidden egoistic motives of these two social exchange behaviors, such as self-fulfillment and self-gratification. Although there are substantial contributions from the phenomenon of these exchange behaviors separately, little research analyzes them in the same breath.      This study focuses on exploring whether power status may influence the expected feedback of gift-giving and donation behavior. It is argued that (1)power status may influence the expected feedback of gift giving behavior. Compared to people of low power status, people of high power status may expected higher feedback from receivers. (2) power status may influence the expected feedback of donation behavior. Compared to people of low power status, people of high power status may expected higher feedback from receivers.


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