  • 學位論文


Leaders' subordinate categorization model and leader-member exchange: Use of influence tactics as a mediator

指導教授 : 王安智 李怡真




LMX is a leadership theory that emphasizes that leaders treat their subordinates differently, classifying close subordinates as “in-group.” Literature on LMX mainly concentrates on the positive impact on organizational effectiveness, but rarely examine how leaders classify subordinates into different categories and form differentiated LMX relationships with them. To address this void, I used a standard Chinese classification of employees (i.e., leaders divided their subordinates based on guanxi, loyalty, and competence) to understand how such Chinese employee categorization leads to differentiated use of influence tactics (including personal appeals, exchange, and consultation) and, in turn, different levels of LMX quality. Sampling from 201 dyads of subordinates and supervisors, I found that all types of leader categorization (i.e., guanxi, loyalty, and competence) positively related to LMX quality. In addition, the use of personal appeals tactic partially mediated the link between guanxi and LMX quality, and the use of exchange tactic partially mediated the association between loyalty and LMX quality. However, the main effect of competence on LMX quality was irrelevant to the use of influence tactics. Contributions and limitations of this study were then discussed, and suggestions were provided for future research in organizational leadership.


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