  • 學位論文


Effectiveness tuning of enterprise ERP systems to SAP Case

指導教授 : 劉士豪


資訊系統的發明一開始是為了解決日常繁雜事項及固定模式的交易事項,並為了符合內控流程,如會計資訊系統,而隨著網際網路的發展,公司企業的資訊需求度大增,各流程依賴資訊系統的程度加深;在瞬息萬變的商業競爭中,管理者的決策成敗往往仰賴於企業中資訊提供是否完整即時,故資訊系統在商業決策中著實扮演著重要的角色。   全球主要的企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning簡稱ERP)裡,德國SAP系統一直是全球企業資源規劃系統中的領導廠商,由SAP系統業者於1992年發表在主從架構環境下運作的企業資源規劃系統R/3迄今,以該系統為主軸發展出多樣化的系統,為了所有模組串接的順暢及完整性,企業資源規劃系統的資料處理量反而會更加龐大且複雜;而如何在一個有限的硬體效能下,讓系統優化,並避免系統延遲現象,則是資訊部門應謹慎思考的問題。   因此,本論文將透過個案實驗法,找出能讓SAP系統效能最佳化的設定組合,並利用設定系統組合,隨著SAP系統使用情況,再找出因應的改變設定組合,如此循環進而實際達到期望的最佳化。


Information systems invented is a began to in order to solve complicated issues and transactions daily fixed pattern, and in order to compliance with the internal control processes, such as accountants information systems, and with the development of Internet, the information needs of the companies significant increase in, each process deepening dependence on information systems; in a rapidly changing business competition, the success of the decision-making managers often rely on the information provided is complete and the enterprise instant, so the information systems in business decisions really play a significant role. The world's leading enterprise resource planning system (Enterprise Resource Planning referred ERP), the German SAP system has been a global enterprise resource planning system leader in the SAP system operators published in 1992 in the enterprise resource planning master-slave architecture environment operation system R / 3 so far to the system as the main development of the a variety of systems, for all smooth completeness of modules connected in series, the amount of data processing enterprise resource planning system but will be more large and complex; and how, in a limited under hardware performance, allowing system optimization, system and avoid delays, it is the iT department shall be careful consider. Therefore, this paper will be through the use of case studies to identify the SAP system enables optimal performance of the combination of settings and use settings system combinations, with the SAP system usage, and then find the combination of settings in response to the change, so the cycle and then the actual to reach the demand optimization


ERP, System Performane, SAP


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