  • 學位論文


Application of lean manufacturing for the improvement of production efficiency of memory card.

指導教授 : 江瑞清


台灣在全球半導體封測市場上占有極重要的地位,2015年產值為全球之冠,預估2016年全球半導體市場仍然是持續成長。半導體產業的特色是快,封測廠的訂單多為客製化且多量多樣,若無法快速回應客戶需求,將大幅衝擊企業的競爭優勢。 本研究以精實生產系統為本,使用價值流分析於記憶卡封裝生產流程,利用現況圖找出整體封裝流程中有價值與無附加價值的流程,藉由規劃未來理想狀態圖,列出對應的改善計畫,將精實理念與價值流分析手法落實應用於記憶卡封裝效率之提升,期增加企業生產的競爭優勢。根據本研究結果顯示,預期案例公司可縮短13%生產前置時間、精簡2% 人力、改善95%機台瞬停率、降低50%修機時間、提高機台運作時間87%。此項結果表示透過價值流分析手法,確實可以找出生產流程之瓶頸作為改善項目,藉由未來理想狀態圖的規劃導出改善計畫,確實提升封裝流程之生產力。


Taiwan plays an important role in worldwide semiconductor assembly and final test market. The output value in 2015 is champion and 2016 forecast is still growing up. The characteristic of Semiconductor industry is “fast.” Orders to assembly and final test house is customer-oriented with various types, Sub-conductors loses competitively if not able to respond customer’s requirement immediately. The study adopts value stream mapping method in memory card assembly process, attempts figure out valued / non-valued process by current value stream map and consider improvement actions through future value stream map. The purpose is to improve memory card assembly production effectiveness by lean manufacturing implementation. The study shows 13% waiting time reduced, 2% manpower saved, 95% machine down improved, 50% machine repair time cut and 87% machine running time is achieved.


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