  • 學位論文


Optimal Green Supply Chain Model Design Considering Full Truckload

指導教授 : 黃惠民


供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)的管理重點為品質、交期與成本等層面,隨著近幾年生態與環境汙染日趨嚴重,許多企業、政府甚至是消費者皆開始有環保意識的概念,而政府也因應環境永續建立相關法規。 供應鏈為從設計、採購、製造、銷售到回收的整個過程,但由於各階段皆會產生許多汙染,如:二氧化碳、二氧化硫等等,造成環境破壞。為減少對環境的污染與破壞,學者將環境保護納入供應鏈的各個環節中,開始提倡綠色供應鏈(Green Supply Chain)的概念。而在綠色供應鏈管理中,逆物流(Reverse Logistic)為極重要的一環。 本研究為一多目標決策問題,在供應鏈的函數中,加入回收再製造成本,使其成為考量正逆物流之綠色供應鏈。在此模式中結合整車運輸折扣(Full Truckload discount)策略,透過此策略冀望買方能增加購買量,以達到整車運輸之經濟規模(Economic Scale),最終獲得成本最小化為目標。再者為因應環保,減少整體供應鏈之碳排放量,達到永續環境保護為目標,因此透過折扣策略來降低買方購買成本以及購買次數,並冀望降低運輸次數,以達到最小碳排量之目標。此綠色供應鏈模式之多目標規劃問題運用Messac(2003) 所提出之標準正規劃限制法(Normalized Normal constraint method)產生一系列均勻的柏拉圖前列線解(Pareto frontier),為得到成本最小化以及汙染(碳排放量)最小化的最適當解。


Supply Chain Management focuses on quality, delivery activities and cost. Due to the worsening environment pollution in recent years, many businesses, governmental bodies and even consumers begin to realize the importance of green environment concept. Consequencely, the government has established some relevant regulations to protect environments. The scope of this study focuses on supply chain which ranges from design, procurement, manufacturing and sales. Since every activity releases various greenhouse gases, such as: carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc; hence it causes severe environmental problems. Therefore, to reduce the environmental pollution and damages, scholars begin to promote green supply chain concept by adding environment aspects to the general supply chain concept. In the context of green supply chain management, reverse logistics is known to be the most important area. This study models a multi-objective decision making problem while also considers recycling and manufacturing costs. The proposed model integrates the forward and the reverse logistics. We also consider Full Truckload discount policy which could increase the purchasing orders from the buyers to achieve the economic scale of the vehicles. In the discount policy, the buyers can reduce their purchasing costs by increasing the number of purchasing orders, especially to full truckload. This will reduce the transportation cost and minimizing the overall carbon emissions. We utilize the Normalized Normal constraint method as proposed by Messac(2003) to generate a series of uniform line for Pareto Frontier chart. Based on the results of our study, we can determine the trade-off between cost and emission and design the most environmental friendly and economical strategy.


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