  • 學位論文


Application of algorithms to hospital location selection problem

指導教授 : 陳育欣


現今醫療資源分配問題日益嚴重,在人口逐漸高齡化,疑難雜症患病年齡降低,醫療資源分配以是各個國家皆需要面對的問題,而醫院選址是最直接的影響因素,故要如何在能夠讓醫院永續經營的情況下,提升民眾的接收醫療服務的權利,是許多國家都需要面對的問題。 在以最大利潤為醫院永續經營之際,本研究利用距離因素為醫院所需負擔之成本,進行醫院的選址規劃,這使醫院便可以遵循著永續經營的情況下同時探討距離因素,使每個城鎮可以在醫院可以得到相當利潤中得到與醫院距離最小化。 因本研究之醫院選址規劃,為離散型網絡模型,此類模型為NP-Hard問題,故以啟發式演算法中的禁忌搜尋法來求解此問題,並以IBM所開發之軟體ILOG CPLEX進行解的驗證,本研究最後分別求出在不同設施建置成本下,最大總利潤的醫院數與平均利潤最高醫院數,和現實中醫院的分佈與理想中的分佈差異,結果顯示最大利潤醫院數會因為設施建置成本不同而變動,但平均利潤最高醫院數卻不會因為成本不同而變動,而現實與理想卻實存在著差異,而這差異的顯示是值得我們後續探討的。


Nowadays, healthcare management in every country is facing increasingly critical problems such as hospitals’ resource allocation, expanding elderly population and incurable diseases which could lower human lifespan. Hospital site selection is one of the direct causes for those problems. However, these existing problems are important to measure how sustainable hospitals are to handle unforeseen circumstances while provide affordable and accessible health care. In order to maximize the profit for hospital’s sustainability, this study considers not only the cost factor but also the distance factor in hospital site selection planning. Therefore, through this study, hospitals could maximize profit at each town while minimize distances between hospitals and towns. The study proposes a discrete network model of hospital site planning which is considered to be a NP-hard problem. Therefore, we apply the tabu search method to solve this problem and verify using ILOG CPLEX software developed by IBM. This study presents different costs for every possible site location and total profits obtained by each hospital. We also compare the effectiveness of current and proposed states. The obtained result gives the maximum profit for the hospital through various costs. At the highest possible profit, we found that there are no significant changes in costs. However, this finding may be subject to further research.


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