  • 學位論文


A Study of Taoyuan Longtan Signage System Design and Development

指導教授 : 林昆範


近年來人們休閒遊憩的意識抬頭,根據觀光局的統計,近十年外國的觀光客來台旅遊的人次逐年提升,而國人的國內旅遊比率、旅次和旅費等數據也持續呈現成長的趨勢,當觀光人潮的數字逐漸攀升,旅遊的實質內涵也具備,任何一個場域的體驗都會納入滿意度斟酌的考量,這時空間場域的引導、設施的要求也相對變得格外重要。當旅客進入陌生的觀光場域,不免因不熟悉環境而產生焦慮感,這時標識系統就能適時發揮效用,啟動引導、指示、說明甚至是管制的作用。   本創作針對桃園市龍潭區做標識系統設計,除了滿足導引、指示、說明等需求以外,希望結合當地特色、地區人文、環境資源,讓標識設計達到轉化和平衡,也渴望能提供設計地區一個有別於其他城市又符合當地特色的標識形象,並能改善生活不便和提升環境品質。


People pay more attention on leisure time in recent years. According to the sources of Tourism Bureau of Taiwan has shown that the number of foreign tourist has increasing annually over these ten years. And the data of the natives of domestic travel frequency and travel budget is also keep growing. While the numbers of the tourist is increasing, the quality of tourism should improve as well. Furthermore, the experience as people travel to different places will take into consideration of satisfaction. In the meantime, the requirement on environmental guidance and facilities can be particularly significant. When tourists visit a new place, they might feel anxious since they are not familiar with that environment. Therefore, signage system has an effect to this situation. It can show the great function of guidance, direction, instruction or even supervision. The signage system design takes Longtang district of Taoyuan as a model. This system is able to meet the demand of identifying, directing and informing. What’s more, we also expect the design can combine local features, region culture and environment resources so that it can reach a balanced status. Moreover, we look forward that this design provides the area a recognizable image with local characteristic and to better the convenience also improve the environment quality.


7. 陳雅芳(2003)。〈校園視覺標識之設計原則探討〉。商業設計研究所。桃園市,中原大學。碩士:150。
1. 王瑞卿(2002)。〈購物中心「探路系統」指標設計之研究〉。商業設計研究所。桃園市,中原大學。碩士:122。
8. 黃淯璘(2010)。〈自行車道之環境視覺標識設計研究-以『屏東單車國道(長治-麟洛)』為例〉。設計研究所。台北市,國立台灣師範大學。碩士:133。
一、 期刊論文:
