  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Environmental Effects from Urban Roadway Pavement Reconstructions

指導教授 : 王玉純


氣候變遷的影響下,極端高低溫事件頻傳,而高溫所造成的熱相關疾病,其性質較低溫情況更具立即性,由於相對較短的延遲性應,如未先做好調適的應對措施以及相關的硬體改善,氣溫的驟然提升,將導致熱相關疾病死亡率劇烈上升。因此,為有效減低高溫對人口密集區域之健康衝擊,國際上已有多項經驗乃透過社區營造、改良地表吸熱特性以及增加綠覆率等方式作為極端高溫調適方案。而為降低極端高溫對臺灣國民健康帶來的風險,減少社會健康成本支出,本研究希望藉由於熱島效應明顯之臺灣六大都市:新北市、臺北市、桃園市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市著手進行鋪面的改善下的效益評估。此研究預計首先經由國內外文獻回顧收集道路鋪面的相關資料,挑選可減緩熱島效應的適當類型鋪面,並探討其所有效益以及建設成本,並將效益量化後評估與成本之可行性是否較現有路面佳。可用於未來都市研究中,因應極端氣候越趨高頻率的調適環節。 本研究回顧國際文獻並應用統計程式以及地理資訊系統,將各式可降溫鋪面之工法、類型、材質、降溫效益以及相關鋪設及材料成本彙整,以便於日後都市計畫內道路鋪面改善評估用途。降溫推估部分的分析結果可發現,新北市地區之道路鋪面改為透水性瀝青材質,該地區的車行道路鋪面平均約可降溫2.035~3.116°C;若鋪設JW鋪面路表平均可降溫3.035~4.116°C。於推估出減少的溫度後,可推算假設環境溫度每降低氣溫1°C,冷氣之冷房設定可提升1°C,便可藉由該區域之冷氣數量並推估區域性之省電量、減碳量;其他效益也包括於鋪設透水瀝青後六都市平均可減少9至11分貝;亦可由已登記之機動車輛數(假設年平均里程、平均二氧化碳排放量等)以及根據其他研究之道路捕碳效率推估該透水性鋪面之道路捕碳效應,六都市於一年中平均可減少0.8至1.29百萬噸。 本研究證實改變道路鋪面的路表降溫,於都會區熱島效應,具關鍵性的影響力。此外,其附加之空調使用能源下降、道路捕碳功效提升亦具顯著功效。本研究最終以VBA程式語言建置快速試算之程式表單,可供計算道路鋪面改變下不同情境下之環境效益。


Several adaptation strategies related to climate change and extreme temperature events in the high population density areas have been proposed and evaluated, including community development and increased green cover rate. This study aims to evaluate the cooling efficiency of roadway pavement reconstructions in 6 major metropolitans of Taiwan. The road surface data of six metropolitans, namely Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, were analyzed using the Geographic Information System. Roadway surface cooling effects, traffic noise reduction, carbon dioxides emission reduction related to air conditioner, and diluted effect of CO2 were conducted for three permeable pavements, including asphalt concrete, permeable asphalt concrete (PAC), environmental protection permeable asphalt concrete (JW method). Asphalt concrete is the cheapest among these three pavements, but it has shortest service life and highest maintenance costs. In addition, high temperature will reduce the strength of the pavement and generate harmful gases. Environmental protection permeable asphalt concrete has longest service life than asphalt concrete, the lowest maintenance costs, the highest cooling effectiveness, and recycled plastics can be reused as construction materials. This study identified the ambient temperature of six metropolitan areas may reduce 2.035 to 4.116 °C if the whole asphalt concrete pavement of road were replaced by the permeable pavement (JW cooling and PAC cooling). In addition, car road noise would reduce for 9 to 11 decibels using PAC. For the diluted effect of vehicle exhaust pollutants were estimated about 0.8 to 1.29 million tons of carbon dioxide using JW method. This study created a macro in Excel to automatically calculated the environmental effects of roadway pavement reconstructions for manual setting scenarios.


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