  • 學位論文


The Factor That Borrower's Personal Attribute Affects Credit Rating in Peer to Peer Lending

指導教授 : 陳若暉


隨著網路、科技以及金融不斷的創新下,發展出P2P網路借貸,過去許多在銀行無法借貸者以及投資人有了另一個取得資金與投資的管道。而在這些P2P網路借貸平台或是網站上對於借款人而言,最重要的是個人信用評等。因評級會決定借款人取得資金的可能性以及投資人貸放資金的意願高低。故本研究主要探討借款人之個人屬性影響信用評等的因素。 本研究以國內3家和國外1家P2P網貸網站為取樣進行資料蒐集,國內樣本期間為2016年至2017年,國外樣本期間為2011年至2015年,國內以及國外樣本數分別為291筆及500筆,合計共791筆研究樣本。本研究使用Ordered Probit模型及分成6組實證交叉分析比較,分別為全樣本與台灣樣本、全樣本的申貸金額、台灣樣本的申貸金額、台灣樣本的性別、台灣樣本的年齡、台灣樣本的收入。交叉分析實證結果比較中發現貸款期數長、有財產、教育程度高以及信用卡多者可能有助於信用評等往上提升的效應;貸款利率高、女性和年齡高則可能對信用評等有降低的影響;而年資在全體樣本申貸金額較大組及台灣樣本申貸金額較小組中,對於信用評等可能呈現負相關,但在台灣樣本申貸金額較大組及低收入組中,對於信用評等可能呈現正相關。故年資對於信用評等的影響具有不確定性。 P2P網貸不但使得小額借貸者以及信用不足者多了獲得資金的機會、增加社會的經濟和促使金流移動,且有助於普惠金融的發展。


With the continuous innovation of the Internet, technology and finance, Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending was recently developed. Many borrowers, that could not get the funds from banks in the past, could use the investors’ Lending Funds via P2P Lending. And these P2P Lending platforms or websites for borrowers, the most important thing was personal credit rating. Furthermore, credit rating will not only determine the likelihood of the borrowers to get funds, but also influence the willingness of investors to lend money. Therefore, this research mainly discusses the factors that borrower’s personal attribute affects credit rating in P2P lending. This research collected data from three domestic and one overseas P2P lending websites. Domestic sample period was from 2016 to 2017, and overseas sample period was from 2011 to 2015. Both sample size was 291 and 500 respectively, and total research sample number was 791. This research used Ordered Probit model and divided into 6 groups of empirically cross-analysis comparision, including the entire sample and Taiwan sample, and credit amount for the entire sample, as well as credit amount, gender, age, and income for Taiwan samples. The empirical results found that the long period of loan, the property owner, high education and the holder of credit cards may help to upgrade credit rating. The factors, such as high interest rate, female and elders may downgrade credit rating. Meanwhile, the influence of year of working experience on credit rating was uncertainties, because larger credit amount group in the entire sample and lower credit amount group of Taiwan sample may help to decrease credit rating, but larger credit amount group and lower income group of Taiwan sample may help to upgrade credit rating. . P2P Lending not only makes small loan and borrowers with insufficient credit have more opportunities for obtaining the funds, enhancing the social economy, promoting the movement of payment flow, but also contributes to the development of inclusive finance.


李桐豪、呂美慧(2000),金融機構房貸客戶授信評量模式分析─ Logistic 迴歸
