  • 學位論文


The Implications of the Implied Author:An Analysis of Jerusalem Church in Acts of Apostles with Narrative Criticism

指導教授 : 王學晟


本篇論文使用敘事學理論為基礎的敘事批判法,對《使徒行傳》的內容進行研究。敘事中讀者不難發現故事所呈現的結構:基督徒群體在耶路撒冷、猶太和撒馬利亞、擴展到地極。這三段敘述的情節、人物和背景,顯露出《使徒行傳》的隱含作者對耶路撒冷教會是存有負面的評價。 首先,耶穌離世前交付使徒普世宣教的任務,敘事中除了使徒彼得外,並沒有太多篇幅記載其他使徒向外邦宣教的行動。反而非使徒的司提反、腓利、保羅、巴拿巴、西拉,因順服聖靈的引導,成就了上帝各個階段的宣教使命。其次,十二位代表耶路撒冷教會的使徒及教會領袖為了保有宗教上的地位,在耶穌的大使命上採取保守策略,與其他信仰群體妥協。他們雖然接受耶穌是彌賽亞,卻拘泥於猶太宗教的傳統和律法,在宣教工作上和外邦基督徒群體明顯分歧。當福音開始向外廣傳,耶路撒冷教會便逐漸消失在歷史宣教的舞台,聖殿不再是上帝救贖歷史的焦點,教會的重心轉移到外邦。最後,從敘事批判的角度分析,隱含作者在敘事的重複和人物的刻畫上,傳達出認同保羅的救恩及宣教觀點,並暗示保羅才是大使命的實際領導者。 綜觀研究結果,本篇論文期待以敘事批判的角度讓讀者對初代教會的建立及宣教發展,有新的發現和更進一步的認識。


In this research, the Narrative Criticism is applied to the study of Acts of Apostles, and it is found that the main plot of the story is that the followers shall be the witnesses of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. From the research the implied reader can find that the implied author has a negative attitude towards the Jerusalem Church. First the apostles except Peter do not contribute much to the missionary work which was the great mission from Jesus before his ascension. On the contrary, it is Stephen, Philip, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and others who are obedient to the lead of the Holy Spirit and do much in spread of the gospel. Next, the reader can see that the leaders of the Jerusalem Church are generally falling behind the trend of the gospel spreading out to the gentiles in that they are conservative, reluctant, inactive and even become the hindrance in spreading the gospels to gentiles, which results in their disappearance from the stage of the history. From this the reader may notice that the implied author generally concur with Paul in theology and action.


1. Berlin, Adele. Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative. Sheffield: Almond. Sheffield: Almond, 1983.
2. Barrett, C. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, vol.1: Preliminary Introduction and Commentary on Acts I-XIV. International Critical Commentary. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1994.
3. Barrett, C. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, vol.2: Introduction and Commentary on Acts XV-XXVII. International Critical Commentary. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1998.
4. Baur, Ferdinand Christian. Church History of the First Three Centuries, vol. 1, trans. Allan Menzies. London: Williams and Norgate, 1878.
