  • 學位論文

空間涵構與人文表徵之連結探究 —以中央研究院歷史文物陳列館為例

A Study of Binding Space Context and Humanism Representation ―The Institute of History and Philology

指導教授 : 黃慶輝


摘要 甫於2018年6月9日慶祝成立九十周年的中央研究院是隸屬於總統府的最高學術機構,於戰後隨政府播遷來台復址於當時仍屬偏僻的南港鄉,經過多年的政經發展,中央研究院的院區規模也隨之逐漸拓展擴大,而院區規模的擴大自然伴隨著院所空間需求的增加,從中研院院區擴展的空間涵構來看,歷經三次不同年代由南往北的拓展變遷,所衍生貫穿院區的三條交通大道,即可窺知院區裡的院所建築形式與空間風格,係匯集了三段不同時代背景的建築思潮所激盪出具有同質性與異樣性的建築作品,充滿了空間涵構與人文表徵。本研究對象即以台灣戰後第一代建築師王大閎於1971至1989年間為中研院所規劃,具代表性與影響力的「歷史文物陳列館」為主要研究案例,另外六棟建築作品則以參照案例方式進行研究。本研究目的,期藉由研究案例間的同質性與異樣性,探究其間的空間涵構與人文表徵之關聯性,將研究結論整理成具體的文本表述,作為後續探究院區內其他不同時期建築作品的敲門磚。研究方法係以歷史研究法為主,輔以圖說文獻探討、實地觀察與使用者訪談等方式,深入的梳理研究案例之涵構脈絡,探究其中的敘事設計論述與空間符號再現的意涵。本研究發現,大環境的政經發展涵構與研究案例之空間涵構間具有相當的關聯性,藉由解析建築師的設計思想與特質即可窺知其建築作品中的敘事設計論述,進而探究出營造同質性與異樣性空間涵構與人文表徵的連結要件是形塑建築容器的建築師與空間實踐中的使用者。本研究的貢獻是經由研究成果,證明中央研究院所代表的不再只是學術地位崇高的學術殿堂,更可以是探索台灣當代建築思潮的瑰寶之地,並據以重新檢視使用單位對具有時代意涵的建築瑰寶所採取的管理維護政策。後續研究則是持續透過梳理個案空間涵構、敘事設計論述與空間符號再現意涵的三元架構,探究院區內其他同具代表性與影響力的建築作品。 關鍵詞:涵構、敘事設計、再現、符號、量體


涵構 敘事設計 再現 符號 量體


Abstract The Academia Sinica, which is the highest academic institution affiliated to the office of the President Republic of China(Taiwan) they have celebrated its 90th anniversary on June 9, 2018. It was relocated to Nangang Township in Taiwan in 1949. After years of political and economic development, the scale of the Academia Sinica's campus has gradually expanded. Up to the present, the pastoralism buildings and the peaceful landscape of the courtyards of the office of the President Republic of China(Taiwan) have become a place for the residents to relax and hang out with family during the weekend. Due to the demand for the expansion of the institute, this means the increase of the space. From the perspective of the spatial development context of the Academia Sinica, three traffic avenues running through the courtyard of the Academia Sinica from the south to the north in three different ages; As you can see, the architectural style and spatial style of the courtyard gathers architectural theories of three different ages, and had sparked between architectural work with the same characters and different characters, which are full of narrative context. The Institute of History and Philology was built in 1986. It was a way of presenting the personal architectural style of seven architectural works, which planned and designed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the first generation of post-hostilities Taiwanese architect Wang Da-Hong. The spatial development all represents as honorable works that are representative and influence to the Academia Sinica. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to make a thorough inquiry about the relationship of the spatial environment context and the human imagery representation between the "Historical Cultural Relics Gallery". As well as, to organize the acquired research results into a specific declarative document as a follow-up to inquiry the other areas in the courtyard as a stepping stone to fortune for architectural masterpieces in different periods. The method of this study is mainly based on the historical method, subsidiary by graph literature review, field observation, and user interviews. In the research of graph literature review, we deeply sort out the narrative context, time background, and the environmental context also the influence of the object of this study. The contribution of this research is to hope that the results of this research will make the Academia Sinica represent not only an academic hall with sublime academic status but also a place to explore the contemporary architectural trends of Taiwan. Keywords: Context, Narrative Design, Representation, Sign, Mass


Context Narrative Design Representation Sign Mass


大衛‧克羅(David Crow)(2016)。看得見的符號(Visible signs:an introduction to semiotics in the visual arts)(羅亞琪譯)。臺北市:家庭傳媒股份有限公司城邦分公司。(原作2016年出版)
