  • 學位論文


The effect of depressive rumination on depressed mood in interpersonal stress——Psychophysiological Response as Mediator

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的:Hammen (1991) 提出壓力生成模式 (Stress Generation Model)認為負向的人際事件會導致個體憂鬱程度上升。而Nolen-Hoeksema (1991)提出憂鬱反芻的概念:反芻是因應負向情緒的一種認知方式,會使個體憂鬱程度提升,表示個體經歷負向經驗後的認知運作模式影響憂鬱情緒。因此研究者思考憂鬱反芻至憂鬱情緒之間的機制,以憂鬱症其中生理因子此病因為出發點,探討個體若處於人際壓力之下,進行憂鬱反芻後,心理生理反應是否為中介變項以影響憂鬱情緒。 研究方法:實驗一受試者為45位中原大學學生,採用逐字稿分析,組別為誘發brooding、reflection、distraction,目的為檢驗誘發指導語之效果,以相依樣本T檢定分析不同組別之誘發不同憂鬱反芻之比例;實驗二受試者為89位中原大學學生,採用2×2×2三因子受試者間實驗設計(組別×實驗情境×憂鬱反芻),組別分為憂鬱傾向組與控制組,實驗情境分為完全排除與均等接納線上投球遊戲(cyberball),憂鬱反芻分為苦惱自責(brooding)與深思自省(reflection)。依變項包含人際壓力階段、憂鬱反芻階段以及恢復階段的自陳情緒反應(難過、生氣、快樂)與心理生理指標。另外,以心理生理指標當中介變項,探討憂鬱反芻、心理生理反應以及憂鬱情緒之機制。 研究結果:實驗一之誘發憂鬱反芻效果達顯著,自陳情緒中,使用憂鬱反芻的難過情緒顯著高於分心;實驗二之社會排除測量達顯著,難過與生氣情緒顯著高於均等接納組,而憂鬱反芻期之自陳情緒未符合預期,兩種憂鬱反芻皆不顯著影響難過情緒、reflection生氣程度高於brooding,恢復期之自陳情緒則皆不被獨變項所影響。心理生理指標中,憂鬱反芻期時,完全排除情境的LF值(交感神經調控)、皮膚電位皆顯著高於均等接納組,而於恢復期時則顯著小於均等接納組。憂鬱傾向者於恢復期時TEMP相較控制組顯著無法升高,身體仍較緊繃。中介效果部分,憂鬱反芻與憂鬱情緒未達顯著, 憂鬱反芻亦無法顯著預測心理生理指標,心理生理指標亦無法顯著預測憂鬱情緒。 討論:實驗一誘發個人負向人際經驗,而實驗二以客觀性的線上投球遊戲誘發,然cyberball與個體關聯性小、真實性不佳,以致誘發強度不足使憂鬱反芻之延續,brooding與reflection於心理生理反應指標無顯著不同。然在趨勢上仍可發現經歷完全排除後之個體負向情緒較高,且心理生理反應亦較活化,而在心理生理反應與情緒之間機制尚未明朗,本次研究主要以短暫性的心理生理反應進行探討,建議未來可延長心理生理反應時間,追蹤其兩者之間之機制。


Background and purpose:Hammen (1991) proposed the Stress Generation Model and believed that negative interpersonal events would lead to the increase of individual depression. However, Nolen-Hoeksema (1991) proposed the concept of depression rumination: rumination is a cognitive way to cope with negative emotions, which will increase the degree of depression of individuals. Therefore, the researchers considered the mechanism between depressive rumination and depressed mood, and explored whether the psychophysiological response is a mediating variable to influence depressed mmod if individuals are under interpersonal stress to ruminate. Method:In experiment 1, 45 students from Chung-Yuan-Christian University were analyzed by verbatim text analysis to induce brooding, reflection and distraction group. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of inducing the language of instruction. The ratio of inducing different groups of brooding, reflection and distraction was analyzed by using dependent sample T test. Experiment 2 subjects for the university students, 89 students with 2 x 2 x 2 three factor experiment design between subjects (group*experimental condition*depressive rumiantion). The group is divided into depressed group and control group, experimental condition can be divided into completely ruled out and equal pitch to accept online game (cyberball), depressive rumination divided into brooding and reflection. The dependent variables include self-reported emotional responses (sad, angry, happy) and psychophysiological indicators in interpersonal stress stage, depressive rumination stage and recovery stage. In addition, psychophysiological indicators were used as mediating variables to explore the mechanism of depression rumination, psychophysiological response and depressed mood. Result:In experiment 1, the effect of inducing depressive rumination was significant. In self-reported emotions, the sad mood using depressive rumination was significantly higher than that of distraction. In experiment 2, the social exclusion measures’s sad and angry mood were significantly higher than that of the equal acceptance group, and the self-reported emotions in the depressive rumination stage were not in line with expectations. The self-reported emotions in the depression rumination stage did not significantly affect the self-reported emotions and the reflection anger was higher than that of brooding, while the self-reported emotions in the recovery stage were not affected by the independent variables. Among the psychophysiological indicators, the LF value (sympathetic regulation) and skin conductance of the completely excluded condition were significantly higher than those of the equal-acceptance group during the ruminant period, and significantly lower than those of the equal-acceptance group during the recovery period. Compared with the control group, skin temperature was not significantly elevated during the recovery period of those prone to depression, and their bodies remained tight. The mediating effect of depressive rumination and depressed mood was not significant, and depressive rumination could not significantly predict psychophysiological indicators, and psychophysiological indicators could not significantly predict depressed mood. Discussion:In experiment 1, negative interpersonal experience was induced, while in experiment 2, it was induced by objective online pitching game. However, cyberball had little correlation with individuals and poor authenticity, so it caused insufficient intensity to induce the continuation of depressive rumination. The brooding and reflection had no significant difference in psychological-physiological response indexes. But can still be found after completely ruled out on the trend of individual higher negative emotions, and psychological physiology reaction had been activated, and between psychological physiology reaction and emotional mechanism is unclear, the study mainly discusses the transient psychological physiology reaction to suggest future can prolong the psychological physiology reaction time, tracking the mechanism between the two.


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