  • 學位論文


Study on Establishing Reverse Engineering of BIM Model Using Reality Information

指導教授 : 連立川


在現今資訊化時代影響下,越來越多土木工程結合建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)應用的案例,目的是為了提高作業效率、降低施作出錯機率、降低各項成本消耗,將BIM模型在維護管理階段的應用也逐漸受到產官學界的重視,目前BIM竣工模型(As-build model)大多是按照建築物圖紙進行模型繪製,但現場施工後可能與圖紙不一致,或是其建築物圖面資訊部分遺失無法作為參考。本研究嘗試以全景相機(360-degree camera)與無人機(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)作為資訊蒐集的工具,在選擇研究目標時,第一個考量點是至今日許多的住宅或是公共建設竣工年月已久,相關業主單位已開始嘗試建立此類建築物之BIM模型作為維護管理應用,其二是現今的BIM模型多應用於建築物生命週期中的施工階段,為了擴展應用於後期使用及維護管理階段,是必須建立與建築物完全一致之模型,因此蒐集的目標主要為施工現場情況或是老舊建築物內、外空間之資訊,此類資訊為實際從目標物取得之景象資訊故稱為實景資訊(Reality Information),實景資訊可補足建築物圖面資訊之不足,亦可作為圖面資訊缺乏或無法單純以圖面資訊進行模型建立時之參考。因此本研究期望探討藉由實景模型的概念進行逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)BIM竣工模型的建立。 本研究將成果應用於實際案例中,並將不同的案例區分出來為三種模式,第一種模式主要針對缺乏圖紙資訊之老舊建築物,在建立模型時因圖紙資訊缺乏導致建立困難;第二種模式為在施工階段先期建立之模型,做為施工圖面檢討以及干涉衝突檢查,利用現場蒐集之實景資訊持續進行模型深化與修正,以建立出與目標建築物一致且正確的竣工模型;第三種模式則是針對機水電管線細部在建置時,因機水電圖面資訊不完全,或是現場於機水電管線佈置處過於複雜,若以圖面資訊進行模型建置,導致內容不完全或是建立內容與現場產生差異,因此藉由結合實景資訊與圖面資訊建立出正確的機水電管線模型。 實際操作藉由實景資訊建立逆向工程BIM模型,解決了在圖面資訊不完全以及現場施工方式與圖面不一致的情況下,導致模型建立困難或是模型正確性不足無法作為營運維護管理之應用,針對本研究所提出的三種模式,無論是老舊建築物或是機水電細部管線皆可完整建立目標的BIM模型,並且寫入相關資訊,使得BIM模型的應用從設計施工階段延伸至營運維護階段。




Under the influence of today's information age, there are more and more cases of civil engineering combined with Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications. Whether it is to improve work efficiency, reduce the probability of construction errors, and reduce various costs, the application of BIM model in the maintenance and management stage has gradually attracted the attention of the industry, government and academia. At present, the BIM as-build model is mostly drawn according to the building drawings. Due to on-site construction considerations, the model established by this method may not exactly match the drawings or its building drawing information is partially missing and cannot be used as a reference. This study attempts to use a 360-degree camera and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as information collection tools. One of the considerations when choosing subjects for research is that many residential or public buildings have been built for a long time, however it needs to build a BIM model as a maintenance management application. Besides, today's BIM models are mainly used in the construction phase of the building life cycle. In order to scale to following stages of usage and maintenance management, a model that is fully consistent with the building is required. Therefore, the collected objects are mainly the information of the construction site or the inside and outside space of the old building. This information is the Reality Information actually obtained from the target. Reality Information can supplement the lack of building drawing information. It also be used as a reference when drawing information is lacking or cannot be used for model building solely based on drawing information. Therefore, this study aims to explore the use of reverse engineering ideas to build BIM as-built models through the concept of Reality Information. This study applies the results to actual case studies and distinguishes different cases into three modes. The first mode is mainly for old buildings that lack drawing information, it was difficult to build due to lack of drawing information. The second mode is a model established in the early stage of the construction phase, which is used for the review of construction drawings and interference and conflict checking. Using Reality Information collected on-site, the model is continuously deepened and revised to create a consistent and accurate as-built model of the target building. The third mode is when building the details of machinery, water and electricity pipelines, due to incomplete information on electrical and mechanical drawings, or the configuration of on-site hydropower pipelines is too complicated. Resulting in incomplete content or created content that differs from the site. Therefore, combined with the Reality Information and drawing information, the correct mechanical, water and electric pipeline models are established. Result shows, this study create a reverse engineering BIM model with Reality Information can solve the problem that when the drawing information is incomplete and the on-site construction method is inconsistent with the drawing if it is difficult to build a model or the model is not correct enough to be used as an application for operation and maintenance management. For the three models proposed in this study, whether it is an old building or a detailed pipeline of machinery, water and electricity, the target BIM model can be completely established, and relevant information can be record. The application of the BIM model can be extended from the design and construction stage to the operation and maintenance stage.


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