  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Game Experience between Light Spot and Wiimote Interface

指導教授 : 李來春


近年來,當電玩遊戲內容與視覺效果逐漸提升的同時,科技與創意也帶動遊戲操控介面的變革,然而,在遊戲操控介面演進的同時,不僅代表著人機介面的進化,更改變了人們對於遊戲的觀念與型態。從2006年任天堂公司的Wii推出之後,遊戲操控介面開始進入體感操控的時代,2010年底微軟更即將推出不需要任何外部裝置輔助就能進行遊戲的Project Natal。因此,本研究應用與Project Natal原理相近的光點辨識技術及Wii控制器兩種操控介面,以實地實驗法及問卷調查法對82位受測者進行研究,探討操控介面對於遊戲經驗之差異遊戲難易度對於遊戲經驗之差異,以及操控介面對於遊戲事後經驗之差異等三個研究目的。 研究結果發現,透過較少外部裝置輔助的光點操控介面,較Wii控制器操控介面能增加身體活動的範圍,且更能增加玩家在遊戲中的專注程度、沉浸程度,並提高挑戰性及帶來的較佳正面影響;同時,也提高玩家在遊戲事後經驗的疲倦感及回到現實的感覺,並有著較佳的正面經驗。另一方面,光點操控介面與Wii控制器操控介面皆因遊戲難易度的提升,玩家在遊戲中的專注程度、沉浸程度、挑戰性、正面影響等大部分也皆隨著遊戲難易度增加而提高,且負面影響(如焦慮、煩躁等)則隨著難易度提高而降低。綜合以上推論,可以預期不透過外部裝置輔助的遊戲操控介面,為未來遊戲操控介面的發展趨勢。


In recent years, when the content and vision of digital game has being developed, the interface of digital game is also evolved by technology and innovation. This evolution not only represents the development of Human-Computer Interaction, but also changes the concept of digital games which how people regard. Since Nintendo Wii was invented in 2006, the digital game interface has evolved into Physical Interactive. Microsoft will also is going to released Project Natal in 2010, which people will play games without any external devices. Therefore, in this study we design the digital game but have two different interfaces of Physical Interactive to control it. One is called light spot recognition technology to substitute for Project Natal, the other is Nintendo Wiimote. In this study we also investigate the comparison of game experience between two interfaces, the comparison of game experience with differences levels of game, and the comparison of post-game experience between two interfaces by 82 subjects. According to results of this study, the subjects who play games by light spot interface not only have more freedom to control than those who play by Wiimote interface, but they also can have more significant difference in “Flow”, “Immersion”, “Challenge”, “Positive affect”, “Tiredness”, “Returning to reality”, and “Positive experience” elements during playing games. In addition, the raising difficulty of game which both groups of subjects playing will increase the level of “Flow”, “Immersion”, “Challenge”, “Positive affect”, but decrease the level of “Negative affect” elements. Therefore, it is expectable that the interface of digital game without external devices will become the main stream of game development.


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