  • 學位論文


Employ Consistent Interface to Ticket Vending Machine for Various Mass Transportation Systems

指導教授 : 黃子坤


Jakob Nielsen (2002)提出:一致性介面(consistent interface)可應用於不同層次上,從單獨的應用程序(individual application)、跨產品系列(across a product family)到全國電腦業(national computer industry)甚至國際間(internationally)。介面的一致性可以讓使用者快速理解系統,並幫助他們建立準確的心智模式。台灣目前之大眾運輸售票機介面各不相同;本研究欲利用一致性介面理論,針對高鐵與台鐵兩種售票機之個別頁面與跨平台介面做規劃改善,不僅改善個別系統軟體介面之使用性,也讓熟悉其中一種介面的使用者,在操作另一種介面時也能快速上手,不需重新學習。 本研究藉由文獻探討與現況觀察,規劃售票系統個別頁面之配置與元件標準:(1)欄位配置應注意群組與階層,利用物件位置規劃來導引使用者視覺動線。(2)各項欄位應包含主標題、選擇按鈕、錯誤修復與回饋資訊。(3)按鍵使用具R角的方形,且具備視覺上3D擬真效果,以符合使用者的視覺經驗。(4)按鍵邊長需大於12mm,按鍵間距超過1mm,確保手指按壓的正確性。(5)運用習知心智模式以圖形化呈現選擇項目,如台灣地圖選擇地點、類比時鐘選擇時段等,使視覺搜尋快速直覺。其次,進行規劃台鐵與高鐵兩種售票介面之一致性,包括:(1)整理與簡化基本使用流程;(2)統一操作方式與步驟;(3)一致的欄位配置。 根據以上標準進行高鐵與台鐵一致性介面設計,並進行使用性評估與一致性介面之學習性驗證。結果顯示:具學習經驗的受測者與無使用經驗的受測者相比,錯誤次數與操作時間均減低一半以上,證實具個別頁面一致性與跨平台一致性的高鐵與台鐵售票機介面,能有效提升使用效率與使用者滿意度。


Jakob Nielsen (2002) remarked that consistency can apply on several different levels, the individual application, across a product family, for the national computer industry and even internationally. Consistent interface allows users to quickly understand the system, and help them build accurate mental models. This research employed consistent interface to ticket vending machine for Taiwan High Speed Rail and Taiwan Railway. It not only improved usability of individual application, but also enhanced the user's mental model that enables transfer of skill from one system to another. Based on the existing system and UI design theory, this study defined the page layout of ticket vending system should contain main title, option buttons, cancel option and feedback. Graphic details were also defined, including color, graphics, button shape and size. The assessment revealed that experienced user of any one of the two ticket vending system performed less error and better efficiency when using other ticket vending system. As a result, the effect of consistent interface is positively proved, while operation efficiency and user’s satisfaction are improved.


[62]Sandnes, F. E.; Hua-Li Jian; Yo-Ping Huang & Yueh-Min Huang (2010). User Interface Design for Public Kiosks: An Evaluation of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Ticket Vending Machine. Journal Of Information Science And Engineering 26, Pages 307-321.


