  • 學位論文


The Effect of Pixel Density for Smart Phone Display on Chinese Reading Performance.

指導教授 : 黃銘智


在極其珍貴的智慧型手機螢幕上,螢幕顯示技術已轉往更高像素的領域,這些發展逐漸滲入我們日常生活當中,並且經由產品生命週期迭代更替,提升使用者的螢幕閱讀品質。本研究之目的為探討高、低像素密度之智慧型手機螢幕在不同的極性、字級、持握方向條件下,閱讀績效與視覺疲勞度之差異。研究中,為架構智慧型手機螢幕之閱讀績效實驗,從資訊呈現的極性、字型、行間與字距定義,以及包括軟體系統及硬體特性的分析。依據現有的研究成果,架構本研究實驗規劃設計的基礎。 實驗發現在18pt環境下,智慧型手機閱讀的受測者之文字耐受度約為500字左右,超過此文字數量易讓使用者感到不耐;同時高像素密度螢幕之閱讀績效平均優於低像素密度螢幕。根據實驗結果,字級為12、14、18pt的閱讀績效,以高像素密度明顯優於低像素密度;超過22pt以上之字體尺寸,因文字細節的判定上,兩種像素密度的視覺效果呈現差異不大,故閱讀績效的差異並不明顯。本研究認為五種字體尺寸中,以高像素密度螢幕閱讀的最佳組合因子為18pt文字尺寸、陽性呈現與直式持握;低像素密度螢幕閱讀的最佳組合因子則為22pt的文字尺寸、陽性呈現與直式持握。最後,分析主觀視覺疲勞量表統計,受測者普遍給予高像素密度螢幕較高的使用評價。


For the smartphone development, the screen technology has been advanced into the area of higher pixel density. These developments gradually infiltrated our daily lives, and through the product life cycle iterative change, improve the quality of reading on screen. This study aimed to explore the effect of performance and visual fatigue for Chinese reading on the smart phone with higher or the lower pixel density display and the other factors, including the font size, the grip direction of reading. We start from build the structure of the study and an experiment of reading on smartphone to evaluate the performance. Through reviewing the literatures, based on past academic research results, the effective factors of screen reading included display polarity, font size, kerning between the lines, software systems and hardware characteristics analysis. Observed the experiment, we found that the volunteers tolerated the text about 500 words; it’s easy to make users feel impatient while reading over this amount of text. On the experiment results the reading performance is better while users reading on a high pixel density screen, by 18pt font size, than low pixel density one. In addition, by the 12, 14, 18pt of font size, the high pixel density reading performance was better than lower one. Over more than 22pt font size, the details of the decision on the two screen pixel density differences are limited, so the reading performance also showed similar between the two screen numerical results. In this study results, the best combination of the five font sizes in high pixel density reading performance was 18pt font size, and the positive presentation, straight grip. In low pixel density reading performance was 18pt font size, and the positive presentation, straight grip. Finally, subjective visual fatigue scale analysis, the subject generally gives to high pixel density own the higher use of evaluation.


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