  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of Collaborative Product Design-A Study of TFT-LCD Industries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉繼豪


近年來,台灣的影像顯示業大幅成長,而其中更以薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display;TFT-LCD)最為搶眼。目前TFT-LCD產業中,其許多關鍵性零組件,如偏光板、彩色濾光片和背光模組等之技術、設計能力和專利權通常掌握在少數幾家廠商,這些零組件之設計與製造皆外包給供應商,因此如何有效地進行設計鏈(Design-Chain)之管理將顯得格外重要。 首先,本研究經由多篇文獻建構出影響TFT-LCD協同產品設計鏈之各項績效指標,而將這些績效指標透過層級程序分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP)與柏拉圖原則(Pareto's Principle)篩選出其中最主要之關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Index;KPI)。隨後將運用篩選出之KPI作為資料包絡分析(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA)之投入項目(Input items)與產出項目(Output items)。再利用DEA之CCR模式與BCC模式針對各TFT-LCD廠商之協同產品設計運作情況計算其生產效率、技術效率、規模效率以及規模報酬(Return to Scale)之增減等數值,並運用差額變數分析(Slack Variable Analysis)針對其績效較差之單位提出未來投入資源之參考方向。其次,利用交叉效率分析(Cross-efficiency)將有效率之廠商做效率上鑑別度之強化,進而求出績效佳之廠商的效率排名。最後,以Norman與Barry之分類方式,將各家廠商在績效表現上(效率單位)分類為強勢效率單位、邊緣效率單位、邊緣非效率單位以及明顯非效率單位等,進而探討不同類別之廠商在效率上表現差異的原因。以加強國內各家TFT-LCD廠商之協同產品設計之能力,進而使得設計出更符合顧客需求之產品、降低成本以及加速產品上市時間。


In recent years, the demand and revenue of TFT-LCD products have significant growth in Taiwan. In the supply chain of TFT-LCD industries in Taiwan, the technology, design ability and patents for key components, such as polarizer, color filter and back light module in TFT-LCD are commanded by a few manufacturers. Because these key components are provided by suppliers, therefore, how to integrate the design-chain of TFT-LCD industry became a critical issue in Taiwan. In the first instance, this research established performances of collaborative product design (CPD) for TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan through literatures. Then, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Pareto's Principle was utilized to find out key performance indices of TFT-LCD manufacturers in the environment of CPD. Secondly, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was implemented to evaluate productive efficiency, technical efficiency, scale efficiency and return to scale of the chain of CPD in TFT-LCD industries. Further, slack variable analysis was adopted to improve the input resources. Moreover, this research utilized Cross-efficiency method to rank efficient decision making units (DMUs) for increase it’s discrimination. Finally, Norman and Barry’s method was used to classify these TFT-LCD manufacturers into four groups: robustly efficient units, marginal efficient units, marginal inefficient units and distinctly inefficient units. It is able to identify the cause of strengths and weaknesses of each manufacturer in different groups. Therefore, the collaborative capabilities such as customer satisfaction, cost reduction and shorter time-to-market can be achieved.


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